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More wordpress sitemap footer related news:
Insert automatically updating date in WordPress theme footer 14 Apr 2010 | 07:00 pm
Most people want some sort of copyright statement at the bottom of their WordPress site and this usually includes the year. It makes sense to create this dynamically in PHP, rather than have to update...
Membuat Halaman Sitemap untuk Wordpress 29 May 2008 | 05:28 pm
Sitemap katanya menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi sebuah web agar cepat terindex di mesin pencari. Nah, bagi yang tidak terbiasa dengan script, bisa membuat halaman sitemap dengan sangat mudah deng...
Visual WordPress Sitemap theme 24 Jan 2012 | 07:00 am
If you’re building a WordPress site with over 20 pages, in addition to the “bulk post creator” plugin we mentioned a few days ago, you might want to try out the Slick Mapper WordPress theme by Luke Mc...
WordPress sitemap 14 May 2012 | 08:50 am
Webmaster olan kişiler için vazgeçilmez bir unsur seo olmakla beraber seo açısından en zengin scriptlerden bir tanesi olan wordpress için olmazsa olmazlardan sitemap eklentisi hakkında sizlere bilgile...
Insert automatically updating date in WordPress theme footer 14 Apr 2010 | 03:00 pm
Most people want some sort of copyright statement at the bottom of their WordPress site and this usually includes the year. It makes sense to create this dynamically in PHP, rather than have to update...
wordpressbuzz: WordPress Sitemap toevoegen aan Google?: Help Google om jouw website of webshop Goed en Snel… 5 Oct 2012 | 08:58 am
wordpressbuzz: WordPress Sitemap toevoegen aan Google?: Help Google om jouw website of webshop Goed en Snel…
WordPress Javascript优化插件 15 Dec 2012 | 07:06 am
Footer JavaScript 是一款 WordPress javaScript 优化位置插件,把Wor [...]
How to add Cool Responsive Sitemap Widget for blogger blogs 26 May 2013 | 08:21 pm
Most of the bloggers who has a blog on blogspot want to make a cool sitemap like WordPress, unfortunately the table of content/Sitemap widgets designed for blogger can't compete with WordPress sitemap...
How to use wp_enqueue_script() in WordPress Theme Footer 16 Jul 2013 | 12:02 pm
When running a Yslow test on your WordPress site, you’ll notice one of the performance score about putting your Javascript at bottom. Why should javascript be put in footer you might ask? According to...
How to Change the Footer Images 13 Dec 2007 | 06:00 am
From your WordPress Dashboard, select Presentation > WordPress Dream Theme Options … Scroll down the page just a little bit and you’ll see exactly where you can enter the footer image location and de...