Most wordpress super edit related news are at:

Réalisation et déploiement de la plateforme RSC WOB 4 Apr 2013 | 06:54 pm
WOB est un RSC : Réseau social Coopératif qui a été commandé par la Coopérative d’activité et d’emploi L’ouvre-Boîtes 44. Afin de mettre en lien les 200 membres que constitue le réseau Ouvre-Boites 44...
Le site cool du mois : BOOOOOOOOOM 13 Feb 2013 | 03:29 pm
Un nom pareil peut susciter quelques interrogations, BOUM BOOM, non, BOOOOOOOOOOM, je vous avouerai que je n’ai pas vraiment compté le nombre de O constituant cette ludique onomatopée. Au programme, s...
More wordpress super edit related news:
WordPress in Pocket 5 Feb 2010 | 01:55 am
把WordPress放入口袋?听起来是一件很有意思的事。其实,这里说的意思是,通过手机直接管理博客和发布文章,随时随地享受Blogging乐趣。 通过手机发布博客日志,归纳起来有两个方法实现。 第一,通过插件,让博客后台页面针对手机优化,去掉复杂的排版,在手机上访问起来速度更快,这样的插件有 WordPress Mobile Edition、iPhone / Mobile Admin 等。 ...
WordPress Shortcodes – Editing Made Easy With These Code Shortcuts 1 Mar 2011 | 04:36 pm
By Now almost everyone in the World is aware that iBusinessLogic specializes in building websites with the content management system called WordPress. We have tried the others, but there is just no de...
prachid @ sourceforge : wordpress thai edition project 9 Mar 2012 | 03:03 pm
prachid at sourceforge : wordpressthai project WordPress Thai Academy Edition : Current version and customisation for Thai educated, can find and download from or click on this image ...
WP Super Edit 2.4.3 13 Dec 2011 | 11:09 am
This update attempts to fix some issues related to multi-site languages and other problems I’ve experienced on some complex site configurations. I’ve also added some initial support for the Distractio...
WP Super Edit 2.4 8 Jul 2011 | 08:09 am
WP Super Edit 2.4 is now available from the Extend repository. It was really time to refresh the included TinyMCE plugins and try to tackle some of the problems I created by moving some...
WP Super Edit 2.3 26 Sep 2010 | 05:57 am
I am ashamed to officially announce the immediate availability of the WP Super Edit 2.3 WordPress plugin! It’s about as ugly as it’s ever been with less mole-hairs! I’ve been so busy that I’ve only b...
WP Super Edit 2.2 12 Jun 2009 | 08:24 am
WP Super Edit 2.2 is now available for WordPress 2.8. I don’t know how I got this working so quickly. I’m always too busy! WP Super Edit 2.2 has only been tested with WordPress 2.8. There are no new ...
WP Super Edit 2.1 20 Nov 2008 | 05:22 am
This is a minor, yet major update for WP Super Edit. Mostly this version fixes a nasty oversight on my part and updates the plugin for better compatibility with the upcoming release of WordPress 2.7. ...
WP Super Edit 2.0.x 21 Sep 2008 | 10:08 am
Make Levees Not War (click for original) WP Super Edit - Arrange Editor Buttons WP Super Edit 2.0 has finally been released! It should probably also be known as the “Gustav ate my wallet” release. ...
WordPress Mobile Edition 27 Nov 2010 | 11:56 am
If you have your wordpress based blog and want to have “mobile” version of your blog, there is nothing easier. You can download WordPress Mobile Edition and install it. Plugin includes mobile theme wh...