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How to exclude Digg Digg from WordPress pages & posts 28 Jul 2013 | 01:36 am
Posted in WordPress I've had this issue myself and there is a simple way to do this, although it's not well documented. Simply add the following comment to the HTML of your page, post or custom post ...
Nick Bilton: I don’t feel sorry for business paying to promote. 4 Mar 2013 | 06:27 pm
Posted in Features This weekend a colleague of mine and I began discussing the topic covered by Nick Bilton in his: Disruptions: As User Interaction on Facebook Drops, Sharing Comes at a Cost article...
More wordpress thesis comment font related news:
Free: Lilac Stitch WordPress Theme 24 Apr 2009 | 07:40 am
We would love to see it in action! If you decide to use this design, leave a little comment :) Download File: Included: Unzip the folder. You will find instructions, font file, theme...
Theme: Chunk by Automattic CSS and Style Sheet Modification : Modify and Change Site Title,Post Title, Post font, colors,font size,widgets ,Comments,l... 8 Apr 2012 | 12:01 am
Theme Chunk is another nice theme of Automattic. Here i am sharing you some modification techniques of css which you can use to beautify your theme design. So,if you have or wordpress.or...
How to style a sidebar widget 18 Aug 2011 | 07:00 pm
If you’ve used The Thesis Theme for WordPress, you know that out of the box, it has certain stylistic traits. That is, before making any changes at all, there is a certain style to the font, for examp...
Un sommaire pour vos articles, sans plugin 17 Oct 2012 | 10:00 am
Comment créer simplement un sommaire pour vos articles WordPress ? Même si des plugins le font déjà, je vous propose de voir ici comment réaliser un système de sommaire automatique, avec deux petits b...
How to add Custom Fonts to Thesis and WordPress 30 Jun 2013 | 11:44 am
Custom fonts can be added to a website in various ways such as using JavaScript or adding a link ref to the head of your document but those methods have one main draw back. They are both an external c...