Most wordpress thesis vs related news are at:

WordPress Design Club Version 4.0 13 Apr 2011 | 10:09 am
Welcome to WordPress Design Club ver. 4.0 Actually, I’m not sure it is in fact 4.0 but it’s definitely up there in version count. I like to redesign this site… a lot! This latest update comes courte...
There are Wrong Ways to Engage in Social Media 2 Feb 2010 | 03:30 am
Everybody thinks Tweeting and Facebooking is all about updating the world on your every move and happening. Not true. In fact, there are quite a few days you can completely annoy your community and ...
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Self Hosted WordPress Blog vs Free Blogging Sites 24 May 2011 | 06:40 am
This is part 1 of my WordPress & Blogging series. In this post i will share with you the basic concept of blogging & also explain in brief to frequently asked questions that i receive in emails, on tw...
WordPress.Com VS WordPress.Org – Which is Best for you? + [Infographic] 20 Apr 2012 | 02:38 am
After deciding for a Hosting plan and your domain name, the next decision you have to make and probably unsure which one to choose of your Blogging Software which are and ...
Compare Thesis and Swift WordPress Themes 10 Apr 2012 | 08:19 pm
Comparison between- Thesis Vs Swift Why You need this comparison- A professional blogger must use a SEO WordPress theme. Both Thesis and Swift are SEO themes with minimum loading time and highest on p... vs. (…and the focus of WordPress 3.4) 27 Apr 2012 | 02:07 pm
First, let me start by offering a disclaimer: These are strictly my opinions on the differences between WordPress .org and .com and more importantly, the differences between who should be using them b...
Not your average WordPress Thesis theme review 22 Apr 2012 | 07:53 am
If you are a builder, you know the importance of building a house on the right foundations and building a website is no different. WordPress is the most popular content managment structure (CMS) avail...
15 Thesis Theme Customization Resources – Thesis WordPress Tips and Tricks 9 Nov 2010 | 11:05 am
If you are using WordPress Thesis theme this post is for you. There are tons of thesis tips and tricks around. Here I share a list of resources I found useful on the way. Enjoy If you run a WordPress...
Thesis theme review for WordPress 11 Feb 2012 | 10:22 pm
Thesis theme review for WordPress The Ephemeral Project The Ephemeral Project - Travel photography & inspirational lifestyle choice Thesis theme review Since I’m moving my work life over to the inte...
2012 WordPress Thesis Theme For The Frugal Blogger – 50% Off 2 Mar 2012 | 06:35 pm
Introducing a brand new WordPress Thesis Theme for 2012 I specifically created for the Frugal Blogger. This two column custom theme has 4 built-in widgetized areas in the header and footer. Other bui...
Beginner’s guide to using PHP w/ WordPress & Thesis 1 Dec 2011 | 08:24 pm
Okay, let’s start with an admission. I don’t really understand PHP. HTML and CSS? Sure, got a pretty good handle on those, but PHP has me baffled. I don’t understand why or how it works, but I do know...
To Self-Host Or Not: vs 29 May 2012 | 09:46 pm
Hello tadpoles! Time for your next helping of WordPress smarts. Around the pond, we normally like to write our own stuff, but every now and then we come across something that’s SO well done, and SO o...