Most wordpress tumblr use like related news are at:

Switching hosts? Here’s a trick for a quicker transition. 29 Dec 2011 | 08:06 pm
Last night I moved Blog Design Guy from WebFaction over to Bluehost. In the process, I ran into a problem I’ve come across every time I’ve dealt with new domain names and/or switching hosts: the old s...
Should you abandon TypePad for WordPress? 25 Oct 2011 | 06:04 am
My blog is hosted on TypePad, but it seems like everyone is using WordPress these days. Should I switch to WordPress? If so, how do I go about doing that without losing the design and content of my si...
More wordpress tumblr use like related news:
WordPress updates : Looks like a bug 10 May 2012 | 06:02 pm
I’m using word press and these days I am encountering some issues in control panel. It is showing that I have 3 updates in the plugin. The updates are available for wordpress plugins 1. Akismet 2. Cor...
tinyBlog – WP Tumblog Theme 27 May 2011 | 06:03 pm
Tweet tinyBlog is a Premium WordPress theme which uses the Wootumblog plugin to make your WordPress site behave like a Tumblr site. This is a fast growing segment and we feel we have something great...
21 Ideas You Can Use To Improve Your Blog Today! 22 May 2012 | 02:42 pm
Things you can do to optimize your blog now! 1. Use WordPress? Then power you site with these Amazing WordPress Plugins! 2. Add Social Sharing buttons on your blog. I recommend using “Like”, Tweet”...
Recommended Web hosts for multisite – WordPress "Must-Use" Tutorials 19 Feb 2012 | 01:19 pm
The wildcard subdomain is not on the default IP address that you get assigned, but on any ... server you can pretty much do whatever you like – including go for NginX.
Blogger V.S Wordpress While using adsense 29 Dec 2011 | 09:34 pm
Some people ask me why you are using blogger cos'z wordpress is better than blogger. I say wordpress is good when we install it on our web host but while using free account making a blog like ZXC.word...
When Love Goes Blind 17 Feb 2011 | 09:52 pm
I am an official Tumblrista, that is, I use Tumblr whenever and wherever I could. You may call it addiction. Like any other blogging platforms (Blogspot and Wordpress), Tumblr lets you create your own...
cheap professional offline wordpress theme 1 Mar 2012 | 04:38 am
I like to setup website using wordpress theme. Hence, i always look for great powerful wordpress theme with lots of function or for special niche. Here again, i come across this offer – 10 profession...
Theme Wordpress Gratuit : Quade (Tumblog like) 18 Jul 2011 | 07:12 pm
Theme Wordpress quade est un thème wordpress gratuit qui reprend les fonctionnalités de type TumblR mais avec la richesse de Wordpress. Tumblr permet de poster rapidement des photos, vidéos, images, ...
"Don’t want the so-called Like Spam? Choose the right tags" 27 Sep 2011 | 04:15 am
“Don’t want the so-called Like Spam? Choose the right tags” - I made a test in my other tumblr. Using less common tags will reduce (if not, eliminate), the “like spam”. I guess those people built bot...
3 Natural Ways to Use Twitter to Make Money with WordPress Blogs 10 Jan 2010 | 10:00 pm
I like Twitter because it’s easy to use and it helps me with my online business in several ways, which I share in this post. Note: Justyna Bizdra and I have a section on Twitter in the social media c...