Most work holiday related news are at:

澳洲打工度假—澳洲版紐西蘭 塔斯馬尼亞 27 Aug 2013 | 08:52 am
澳洲打工度假 澳洲版紐西蘭—塔斯馬尼亞 今天小編要介紹大家的地方,是有”澳洲版紐西蘭”之稱,位於澳洲大陸南邊,隔著巴斯海峽和墨爾本相望,同時也是澳洲最小的一個省及最大的一個島嶼的”塔斯馬尼亞省"。 其實塔斯馬尼亞這個地方,不只對很多外國遊客來說有點陌生,連澳洲當地人,曾經到達過此地旅遊的人比例也不算多。所以沒去過塔斯馬尼亞,別說你是澳洲通!! 這個形狀像一顆心的島嶼面積,約是我們台灣的兩倍大,整個...
澳洲打工度假-沒抱過無尾熊~別說你去過澳洲 26 Aug 2013 | 07:00 am
澳洲遊學打工度假必做-抱無尾熊 沒抱過無尾熊~別說你去過澳洲 澳洲唯一可以抱無尾熊的地方只有在布里斯本的Lone Pine動物園唷 澳洲打工度假一定不可以錯過三件事情 1.雪梨跨年煙火 2.高空跳傘 3.抱無尾熊 小編Joy與朋友從布里斯本市中心搭公車到Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary 位於布里斯班西南方約12公里處,是世界規模最大的無尾熊保護區 入園的時間是8:30am-5:0...
More work holiday related news:
A long overdue update and Christmas 2011... 30 Dec 2011 | 06:21 pm
Well...the title is pretty self-explanatory...this update is LONG overdue...over two months, to be exact. Two months of extreme craziness in our household...craziness with work, holidays, and (oh, yes...
Work And Travel Throughout Canada – The Two Most Frequent Questions 19 May 2012 | 03:23 am
When you get started thinking of working holidays in Canada to work and travel all-around to make a few bucks on the move you’ll find normally a number of problems that will come to mind. You happen t...
Finke Desert Race 21 Jun 2011 | 01:39 am
One of backpackers’ favourite locations is Australia, working holidays or just plain adventure, Australia caters for most. Australia is a big place and there are many different things to do and see.
Working Holiday viisa Austraaliasse 29 May 2012 | 02:25 am
Working Holiday viisa on inimestele vanuses 18 – 30 (kaasa arvatud) aastat, kes soovivad reisida Austraaliasse ning ühendada puhkuse töö ja/või õpingutega. Working Holiday viisaga saate Austraalias ve...
Post Valentine treats for the Pusong Sawi 15 Feb 2012 | 01:16 am
In a little over 6 hours matatapos na ang Valentine’s Day, congratulations in advance to business establishments that will profit from the cheesiest working holiday of the year (ahem, restaurants, bar...
Britbound 10 May 2011 | 04:34 am
Branding and website for Britbound, UK based company for working holiday makers.
I love Pasig Day! :p 3 Jul 2009 | 02:00 am
I had a great time doing things I want to do today at home. It's a non-working holiday in Pasig, the city where I go to work, which gave me a whole day of leisure and relaxation. The room,...
= Thanks Belle and Have Fun In USA = 11 Oct 2008 | 04:00 am
I knew Belle since our foundation year in MMU back in 2004. Awh, it's been so long and now she's going to the US for a working holiday. How nice! She's our Tai Kah Jie in our course and she will alway...
participer au Programme Vacances Travail (PVT) du Canada 23 Dec 2010 | 06:51 pm
Après avoir participé au Programme Vacances-Travail (PVT, ou WHV en anglais pour Working Holiday Visa) en Australie pendant Ze Big Trip (et l’avoir obtenu pour la Nouvelle-Zélande, bien que je ne l’ai...
2012 LENTEN HOLIDAYS PDOS ADVISORY 2 Apr 2012 | 09:00 am
2012 LENTEN HOLIDAYS PDOS ADVISORY In view of the solemn commemoration of the 2012 Lenten Season and the long NON-WORKING holidays ahead, we would like to advise you this early of the schedules of th...