Most working dads blog related news are at:

What else are you going to spend $20,000 on? 27 Aug 2013 | 10:46 am
In case my lighting-fast publishing rate of 0.57 posts per month is too much of a literary firehose to drink from, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that many months ago (i.e. two posts ...
Not Cool Enough For Kia 5 Aug 2013 | 03:10 am
I thought my coolness portfolio was pretty solid. My Facebook Likes page has bands like TSOL, Black Flag and Minor Threat in it, and as of last winter, I could still bomb drop off the hood of a car (p...
More working dads blog related news:
Corporate style 2 column blogger template 22 Mar 2009 | 11:33 am
This theme is based on a photoshop tutorial by psdvibe and it has been converted from a PSD file to a working blogger template by me however i couldn't get the alternative post styling to work on blog...
FF Season II, Week 32 22 Oct 2010 | 09:30 pm
As rumors have had it for some time now, Dad Blogs was moving--to a new domain or group of folks interested in running the show. In the next few weeks that will come to be realized--finally. The chang...
FF Season II, Week 31 14 Oct 2010 | 09:30 pm
As rumors have had it for some time now, Dad Blogs was moving--to a new domain or group of folks interested in running the show. In the next few weeks that will come to be realized--finally. The chang...
FF Season II, Week 25 3 Sep 2010 | 05:00 pm
Big changes are on the horizon folks--one way or the other. Within this upcoming week the direction of will be settled. Over the course of the past eight months there has been discussion...
Controversial Critic Armond White Releases NEW ‘Keep Moving’ Book On MICHAEL JACKSON 26 Aug 2009 | 06:51 am
NYPress Film Critic ARMOND WHITE has released a new book. It’s entitled “Keep Moving: The Michael Jackson Chronicles“. Here’s what the Resistance Works WDC blog (publishing entity publishing the...
Quote from 4 Hour Work Week Blog 15 Aug 2011 | 11:46 am
6. Myth: You need a quirky hiring process. Would you hire an actor without an audition? You wouldn’t last long as a director if you did. But this is exactly what almost all companies who hire softwar...
Does affiliate marketing work on blogs 29 Apr 2012 | 09:42 pm
Affiliate marketers usually build websites for the products they are promoting. Many times this websites are build exclusively for a single product and sometimes for more than one product. Affiliate m...
toward a more flowing culture: lit 2.0 + the online "total work" 21 May 2011 | 08:33 am
this blog post is a complement to my vlog, "am i even a poet anymore?" /// in order to make the vlog funnier and more exciting, i sacrificed some of my clarity. this post is an attempt to make the ide...
Create a Marxist-Leninist Blog! 24 Jun 2009 | 09:50 am
Create a fighting Marxist-Leninist blog by going to!! V. I. Lenin said in What Is To Be Done? that Communist consciousness must be brought to the working class. Blogs are...
Who Let the Dads Out? 16 May 2012 | 10:26 pm
Looking for something different for Father's Day? Why not get dad blogging? Inspire him with this anthology of the best of dad-blog writing, edited by Tom Briggs. He writes... You know how people som...