Most world barista championship related news are at:

Hong Kong Barista Championship 3 Aug 2011 | 11:17 am
Hong Kong SAR National Barista Championship Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Wanchai, Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR 7 September 2011 12:00 -19:30 (Final) Hong Kong Barista Championship will be...
Dutch National Barista Championship 9 Jul 2011 | 09:23 am
Netherlands National Barista Championship 3 -10-2011 Heat 1 Friesland/Campina – Amersfoort 9.00-17.00h 10-10-2011 Heat 2 Friesland/Campina – Amersfoort, 9.00-17.00h 17-10-2011 Heat 3 Firesland/Campin...
More world barista championship related news:
World Barista Championship – London 2010 16 Sep 2010 | 04:19 am
In the past 10 years, the interest and general knowledge around food in the UK has increased enormously. Switch on any TV channel in the evening and you are bound to find at least one channel with a f...
world barista championship 2010: america’s magnificent triumph over a broken pinky finger 4 Jul 2010 | 06:24 am
one week after the world barista championships feels a bit like i had a hazy dream: in my dream five coffee producing nations rose to the top ranks of the semifinals, second place in the world was awa...
Patrizio Frigeri als Morgengast im SRF 1 22 May 2013 | 11:54 am
TweetPatrizio Frigeri macht im Studio den Frühstückskaffee mit Sven Epiney. Ab Mittwoch kämpfen im australischen Melbourne die besten der besten Kaffeeprofis an den «World Barista Championships» um de...
Resultate World Barista Championships und World Brewers Cup 26 May 2013 | 05:34 pm
TweetWorld Barista Championships 2013 Weltmeister der Baristi wurde der Amerikaner Pete Licata 631 Punkten vor Australien (619), El Salvador (596), Ireland (561.5), New Zealand (540) und Italien (535...
咖啡勇者 Set1 Barista Champion 21 Aug 2013 | 07:50 am
如果你深愛咖啡,肯定不陌生「簡嘉程」,2010年「創意台北咖啡大賽」冠軍;拿下世界義式咖啡大師台灣選拔賽冠軍;並兩次代表台灣前往堪稱媲美咖啡界奧運的世界義式咖啡大師大賽(World Barista Championship,WBC),在咖啡國度裡有著「王者」與「夢行者」之稱號。然而,歷經多次人生跑道轉換的他,唯一不變是堅持自我專業與追求所有細節之完美,在這條築夢咖啡路上,除了追尋夢想,想使更多人擁...
05 IFBB Worlds 30 Nov 2005 | 06:12 pm
Long before they’re posted on the IFBB website, I have the results of this weekend’s IFBB World Amateur Championships held in China. Not only that, I have the results of the Junior and Master’s World ...
In stock now: Judgment Day 2009 13 Aug 2009 | 08:00 am
Judgment Day is upon us! Edge vs Jeff Hardy square off in a back-and-forth World Heavyweight Championship Match, while Randy Orton takes on Batista for the WWE Championship. For only £10.99 you'...
So I guess I have to get back to work huh? 28 Apr 2009 | 01:48 pm
It has been sufficiently long enough since the end of the WBC to do the proper things of thanking and congratulating those that are due… First off, congratulations to the 2009 World Barista Champion ...
DMC World DJ Championship 1 Jan 2011 | 01:00 pm
Brendan Reeves 1 Aug 2007 | 12:00 pm
Brendan Reeves is Australia's top young international rally driver. At 23 years of age he completed his first season in the World Rally Championship Academy in 2011 finishing an impressive 5th outrig...