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Gifts and Social fabric 11 Feb 2008 | 05:37 am
From Lewis Hyde in The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property. [link goes to the free preview page that has the quote on Amazon] Where someone manages to commercialize a tribe's gift relat...
Hello World C program using Android Toolchain 25 Feb 2009 | 10:16 pm
I had reported earlier how I had gotten a C Hello World statically-linked program running on my Android phone using CodeSourcery's toolchain (on linux). Today I got a dynamically-linked Hello World pr...
Level Up Season 1(Ep 9 updated) 17 Mar 2012 | 02:20 am
Four very different high school teenagers battle trolls, ghouls and a dark leader of them named Maldark in a video game that goes haywire and releases the battle into the real world. Download links ...
Link Building Services – They’re Not All Equal! 27 Nov 2010 | 03:04 pm
If you are endeavoring to navigate the world of link building services you might be surprised at how quickly you become overwhelmed with all the choices. Links are currency in the online world and jus...
Orlando Home Sales Down 20 May 2011 | 08:21 am
It probably comes as no surprise, but home sales in the Orlando market have been affected just like the rest of the real estate market in the US. According to the World Property Channel, sales in this...
Business Link Moves into the Virtual World 19 Nov 2011 | 12:42 pm
Business Link, the government’s business support service, has moved online after the Government announced the closure of its regional advice centres this month. Sadly this removes the personal touch p...
Reading Some Php Programming Books 15 Apr 2012 | 04:58 pm
Since the birth of computer, almost everything in the world became linked together. Imagine, some businesses would hire employees across the world and just communicate with them through chat or email....
Courcheval Ski Schools Teams Dedicated To Their Clientèle 17 Oct 2011 | 07:25 pm
Courcheval is a skiing resort found in the French Alps in a location of Saint Bon Tarentaise, the worlds biggest linked skiing area within Les Trois Vallees. Concentrated here are the worlds biggest s...
Courchevel Ski Schools Lessons For All Ages And Skill Levels 10 Sep 2011 | 11:57 pm
Courcheval ski schools are located in the French Alps within the Tarentaise Valley and forms part of the worlds largest linked skiing area, known as Les Trois Vallees, incorprating Savoie and the Rhon...
Download de Dexter 6ª Temporada - Legenda do último episódio S06E12 - "This is the Way the World Ends" 20 Dec 2011 | 06:36 am
Tá na mão a legenda oficial último episódio S06E12 - "This is the Way the World Ends" Links diretos para download Megaupload Dexter S06E12 - SEASON FINALE This Is the Way the World Ends Releas...