Most world scout jamboree related news are at:

Together to build ……Together to progress The Arab Scout Rovers gather in Tunisia 25 Aug 2013 | 01:23 pm
Under the patronage of his Excellency and his honored attendance of the event Mr. Moncef Al- Marzuki, Tunisia President; the 19th Arab Scout Moot was inaugurated in the international training and camp...
Морским Волком не рождаются, им становятся в Литограе 22 Aug 2013 | 01:07 pm
С 17 по 28 июня на волшебном южном берегу Крыма при поддержке благотворительного фонда «Открытые сердца Украины» прошла настоящая скаутская смена в ЛНТ «Литограй» - «Учебка морского волка».
More world scout jamboree related news:
Tari Saman Meriahkan Pembukaan Jambore Swedia 22 Jul 2011 | 02:30 pm
BANDA ACEH – Anggota Pramuka Aceh akan tampil pada pembukaan Jambore Ke-22 Tingkat Dunia (The 22nd World Scout Jamboree 2011), yang dilaksanakan di Rinkaby, Kristianstad, Swedia, 25 Juli 2011. Tim Ace...
Jamboree 2015 - En speideropplevelse for livet 27 May 2013 | 02:16 am
Sommeren 2015 arrangeres den 23. "World Scout Jamboree" i Japan for speidere mellom 14 og 17 år. Jamboreen varer i 12 dager hvor du får oppleve mange utfordrene aktiviteter og flotte speiderminner, b...
King of Sweden Visit the Batik Center in Yogyakarta 9 Feb 2012 | 07:49 am
King of Sweden Visit the Batik Center in Yogyakarta Batik Indonesia attracted the attention of the King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf. Because of that, the man who is also Chairman of the World Scout Fo...
# MISI KEPRAMUKAAN # 10 Jun 2005 | 03:57 pm
Pada World Scout Conference yang bersidang di Durban, Afrika Selatan, pada bulan Juli 1999, telah diterima secara bulat oleh seluruh organisasi kepramukaan sedunia, rumusan Pernyataan Misi Kepramukaan...
ยินดีต้อนรับลูกเสือทุกท่าน 12 Oct 2006 | 10:00 pm
สัญลักษณ์ตรา Logo 19 th National Scout Jamboree แสตมป์ 100 ปีลูกเสือไทย และบริการถ่ายภาพ iStamp โครงการ 100 ปีการลูกเสือไทย สัญลักษณ์ตรา Logo 100 ปีการลูกเสือไทย ...
Garnet de la Hunt receives Presidential Order of the Baobab 22 Apr 2013 | 11:30 pm
Presidential honour for our former Chief Scout and Chairman of the World Scout Committee
Scouts galore 26 Apr 2013 | 12:45 pm
Maryborough, situated 255 km North of Brisbane in the Australian state of Queensland, was the site for the 23rd Australian Scout Jamboree. Held every 3 years, this year's theme was Dream It! Live It!.
NEW DYLAN WARREN VIDEO! 11 Jul 2013 | 01:23 am
Back by popular demand, Mountainboarding will be a part of the National Boy Scout Jamboree for 2013! See Mountainboarding through Dylan Warren’s eyes as a professional Mountainboarder! MBS Mountain...
ClassB to exhibit at the 2013 National Jamboree 12 Jul 2013 | 06:14 pm
T-minus three days and counting… Time to Go Big. Get Wild. And ClassB will be there when it happens! After a much anticipated wait, the 2013 National Scout Jamboree is almost here! In less than ...
Obese Boy Scouts left out of national gathering 16 Jul 2013 | 12:39 am
Boy Scouts attending this year’s National Scout Jamboree will have a lot more physical challenges to endure there, but even before setting up camp in West Virginia they had to undergo fitness exams, i...