Most world summit award 2011 related news are at:

How BuzzFeed Contriubuted to the Success of Orange Is the New Black 26 Aug 2013 | 09:28 pm
By Natan Edelsburg for Lost Remote Netflix’s successful foray into traditional TV has caused the industry to question what a “success” really means in an environment where Nielsen ratings don’t matte...
Kevin Spacey Dismisses the Line Between TV and Film 23 Aug 2013 | 02:04 am
By Andrew Dickins for C21Media Hollywood star Kevin Spacey has told the Edinburgh International TV Festival that the idea of a division between feature films and television series will soon “fall awa...
More world summit award 2011 related news:
Advertising at The World Sikh Awards 2011 16 Oct 2011 | 09:10 am that advertising ran throughout the event generating great interest in the range of plates we currently have in stock. Please listen to the commercial that was especially commissioned:...
Malaysia Airlines riceve 2 premi ai World Travel Awards 2011 1 Oct 2011 | 03:07 am
Malaysia Airlines ha ricevuto un doppio riconoscimento ai World Travel Awards. I due premi: ‘Asia’s Leading Airline’ e ‘Asia’s Leading Airline Lounge’. La compagnia area, Malaysia Airlines è stata pre...
Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa ganha ouro no concurso World Cheese Awards 2011 6 Dec 2011 | 07:15 am
Corpo: O Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa «Sabores da Idanha» foi premiado com uma medalha de ouro no concurso World Cheese Awards 2011 (Concurso Mundial de Queijos 2011) em Inglaterra. O queijo de De....
Vivid Discussions at Opening Conference of WSA Grand Jury 25 Apr 2011 | 12:48 pm
The selection of the world’s best digital content got underway at the opening of the World Summit Award (WSA) 2011 Grand Jury in Hong Kong. Under the topic “Revolutionizing with Technology and Creatin...
Bankinter and Mobbeel: Winners at Financial World Innovation Awards 2011 15 Dec 2011 | 10:13 pm
On June 15th 2011, Bankinter and Mobbeel jointly presented its groundbreaking broker application for smartphones. The applicationan identifies the user by using a biometric iris recognition system (de...
В сентябре были объявлены победители престижного конкурса World Travel Awards-2011. 16 Sep 2011 | 09:00 pm
В этом году одним из лидеров на мировом гостиничном рынке был признан столичный отель Radisson Royal - бывшая гостиница "Украина".Эту...
Kuidas teised riigid oma parimaid e-teenuseid valivad? 16 Apr 2013 | 10:43 am
Täitmaks ärevust, mil Eesti parima e-teenuse žürii valib kategooriate võitjaid ning meie esindajaid ülemaailmsele e-teenuste konkursile World Summit Award, uurisime, kuidas muudes riikides e-teenuseid...
Advertising at The World Sikh Awards 2011 16 Oct 2011 | 02:10 am that advertising ran throughout the event generating great interest in the range of plates we currently have in stock. Please listen to the commercial that was especially commissioned:...
GoPro AFIP nominated for UN award 6 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
The Grand Jury of the World Summit Award examines almost 500 of the world’s best e-Content Websites and ICT projects from August 29 to 31. GoPro...
eHerkenning genomineerd voor prijs Verenigde Naties 14 Aug 2013 | 01:59 pm
World Summit Awards Nederland heeft 5 ICT-projecten, waaronder eHerkenning voorgedragen voor de World Summit Award. Deze award is een initiatief van de Verenigde Naties en heeft als doel de meest inn...