Most world vision canada related news are at:

December News Quiz 6 Dec 2008 | 09:57 am
Baseball, cholera and Clinton—test your knowledge of last month’s headlines. Share this story:
Cutting Back to More Meaning 6 Dec 2008 | 09:57 am
Christmas isn’t just about a sleigh full of gifts—learn how you can cut back and still enjoy the season. Share this story:
More world vision canada related news:
Today is World Tourism Day 29 Sep 2011 | 11:05 am
World Vision has issued a statement on the eve of World Tourism Day asking Canadian travellers to help in the fight against child exploitation and sex-tourism. WORLD VISION CANADA | World Tourism Day...
My friend and fellow blogger Carla at My Half Dozen daily recently posted asking her readers to help her raise enough money to buy a goat, 2 hens, & a rooster for World Vision Canada!!! She was hopi...
Toronto Star Publishes World Vision Op-Ed 30 Sep 2008 | 12:20 am
With the Federal Election campaign underway, World Vision Canada's president asks if our leaders will keep their promises to the world's children. Share this story: font>
Buy Games. Feed the World 12 Dec 2009 | 07:46 am
You can help feed starving children and families just by buying video games. is partnering with World Vision this holiday season to feed starving people in some of the most poverty stricke...
Buy Games, Feed the World Press Release 12 Dec 2009 | 06:00 am
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BUY VIDEO GAMES, FEED THE WORLD Buying video games can help feed the hungry this holiday season. and World Vision team-up to raise $50,000 for fight against world hun...
Basic Information about the LEED Canada NC 1.0 exam 7 Aug 2009 | 09:33 am
LEED exists not just in the United States, but all around the world. In Canada, LEED is handled under the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC). The most popular LEED Canada exam that is taken is the ...
No title needed. Yawn. 7 Oct 2011 | 11:57 am
While the rest of the world in Canada watches the opening NHL game Montreal vs Toronto, I will spend some time on here and take a look at what the hell is going on, as to calm some confusion and offer...
¿Por qué los medios de comunicación muestran más información negativa que positiva? Parte 1 7 May 2012 | 08:49 pm
Participé hace unas semanas de la presentación de un estudio para World Vision, que dirigí en IP Noticias, sobre la exposición de la niñez en los medios de comunicación (en otro post abordaré el estud...
Flood Activity 4 Nov 2011 | 03:03 am
Bethlehem human Ministry of Pakistan will manage the camp activities by providing assistance through the co-ordination with other N.G.O like UNICEF UNCHER, world vision IOM, WFP, and other Bethlehem ...
Karin: So funktioniert eine Patenschaft #MyJourney 16 Dec 2011 | 10:09 pm
Unser heutiger Besuch in einem Kindergarten hat abschliessend die vergangene Woche unterstrichen. Wir konnten zum ersten Mal „anfassen“, wie Patenschaften bei World Vision materiell umgesetzt werden u...