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More wow heroic drop mounts related news:
Tarou’s Weekly WoW Report Episode 22 | Patch 3.3.5 – 9/19 | WoW Cataclysm – Worgen/Goblin Mounts!! 20 May 2012 | 12:02 pm Click link above for Mining Gold Making Guide Part 3! Click link above for First Aid 1-450 Leveling Guide! Click link above for Heroic Blood Queen Lana’...
Is there a website other than thottbot, that shows what drops there are in a heroic instance for WoW 26 Feb 2009 | 10:51 pm
Browsing thottbot has been a favorite past time of mine when looking for items, but I can;t seem to find their drop lists for heroic mode instances. I find clicking on specific bosses gets me to the h...
WoW: Make 10k-25k in gold, per lvl 90 character, weekly 26 Aug 2013 | 12:01 pm
There is a method to making gold each week, and simply put, it’s selling a mount. The mount itself is Bind on Pickup. So that means we need to sell the run, not the mount. But since it’s a 100% drop, ...
First impression from 5.3′s aftermath, &c. 23 May 2013 | 07:20 pm
Posted in Raids It’s only been a full day since 5.3 dropped, but wow, what a great patch. I have never felt so unpressured by the valor points grind, thanks to heroic scenarios. Like 15 minutes for 1...