Most wp7 app 推荐 related news are at:

「业界资讯」三星开始宣传 BBM 将登陆 Galaxy 系列手机平台 27 Aug 2013 | 05:48 pm
之前,已经有消息传出三星公司将在自家的应用市场上放出黑莓流行服务 BBM,以供其旗下 Galaxy 系列智能手机安装的消息。但是一直没有更进一步的详细信息曝光。昨天,YouTube 上专门负责三星宣传视频的频道 SamsungGhana 放出了一个宣传视频: 点我返回 YouTube 观看
「新的方向」RPG 解谜 - 雷顿教授7:Layton 7 -- 可扮演全部七个人物 27 Aug 2013 | 03:23 pm
雷顿教授(Professor Layton,日文:レイトン教授)是由 Level-5 推出的冒险解谜系列游戏,在任天堂的 DS/3DS 平台有着很不错的评价。该系列游戏目前共有六部作品,还出过一部电影,到2013年,该游戏系列在全球的销量约有1500万之多。 近日开发商 Level-5 透露,该系列的第七部作品 --《Layton 7》:雷顿教授7也已经在制作中,计划今年年底或明年年初登陆 3D...
More wp7 app 推荐 related news:
When will the WP7 App be available? 6 Oct 2011 | 06:02 am
The Windows Phone 7 version of PingMe will be coming soon. We’ll have more details on the launch date in the coming weeks.
PinCodeKeeper WP7 App – from Zero to Marketplace 13 Jul 2011 | 07:11 am
Upon request I have created a light weight Windows Phone 7 application and published it to marketplace. The app is called PinCodeKeeper and it’s purpose is to store and keep your pin codes in scramble...
PinCodeKeeper WP7 app – Submitting to Marketplace 8 Jul 2011 | 05:25 am
In this article I will write about the process when submitting the PinCodeKeeper WP7 app to Windows Phone Marketplace. Before you submit any apps you must test your app and make sure that it works acc...
PinCodeKeeper WP7 app – Testing and improving app before submission 23 Jun 2011 | 07:47 am
Before I take the final step and submit the PinCodeKeeper WP7 app to marketplace I want to make sure that the app is free of bugs and as good as it can be. To do so I have been testing the app a while...
PinCodeKeeper WP7 app – Register to App Hub, test on device and prepare for submission 22 Jun 2011 | 10:13 am
I am now happy with the functionality in the PinCodeKeeper app and the time has come to test it on a real device. To be able to deploy you app (.xap file) to a real device for testing you must registe...
iPhone styled WP7 apps 28 Jun 2011 | 11:12 am
Tab Bar Navigation Download the source code: Page Scrolling Navigation Download the source code: Filed under: WP7 Tagged: iPhone, WP7
TinyApps: PageTurner7 30 Mar 2011 | 12:22 am
PageTurn7 is a “flip page” WP7 app. Flip page refers to the effect of flipping through the pages of a digital document as if it were a physical document. The benefit of having a page turn app is that ...
viu² touch – one of the norwegian wp7 app contest winners 4 Feb 2011 | 03:55 am
More info: viu² touch is a WP7 based version of my silverlight mediacent...