Most wp code highlighter related news are at:

Getting rid of “error:: no video mode activated” when using full disk encryption in Ubuntu 12.04 11 May 2012 | 05:59 am
sudo cp usr/share/grub/*.pf2 /boot/grub sudo update-grub
Getting rid of “error:: no video mode activated” when using full disk encryption in Ubuntu 12.04 11 May 2012 | 01:59 am
sudo cp usr/share/grub/*.pf2 /boot/grub sudo update-grub
More wp code highlighter related news:
Código fuente coloreado en OpenOffice Writer 17 Aug 2010 | 04:36 pm
En algunas oportunidades tenemos la necesidad de incluir en nuestros documentos código fuente coloreado para facilitar su entendimiento, lo que en inglés llaman “code highlighting”. Si nuestro docume...
AS3垃圾回收,在FlashPlayer10.1中实现回收Loader对象 23 Jun 2010 | 04:45 am
AS3和.NET一样,不需要开发人员关心垃圾回收,Player会在某个不确定的时间对没有被引用的对象进行内存释放,有时候需要垃圾回收器尽早工作,以释放占用的大量内存让程序顺利运行,所以网络上出现了叫做Hack的方法,如下: Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) http://www.CodeHighlig...
WPTrick : Add new element into wp menu 9 Jan 2011 | 03:17 pm
A simple trick to add new element into your wp menu.In this case I want to add custom search form to may Just add this codes to your wp code I usually put in in functions.php Method above will add s...
Feature Requests 5 Mar 2012 | 08:10 am
Have a great idea for one of my WordPress Plugins? Now is your chance to get it implemented! Simply create an account, and post your idea on the forums. FV Code Highlighter This has been more of a p...
What U Talking Bout Willis (ReDesign) 11 Feb 2013 | 06:10 pm
It’s probably no surprise that when Becky and I have down time, we often find ourselves browsing through WordPress themes. As someone who was introduced to WP coding through Thesis, I am a self-admitt...
Snippy update to Rails 3.x 26 Feb 2012 | 10:00 am
Snippy has been updated to the latest (at the time) Rails 3.x In the future I’ll likely move the code highlighting away from Ultraviolet/TextPow to a Javascript...
WP Google Summer of Code 2013: WP Code Metrics Service 3 May 2013 | 03:01 pm
WordPress has turned out to be a Free / Libre Open Source Community, supplying end users with functionality in the form of either core features or plug-ins. Apart from being super cool :), every F/LOS...
没搜到统计源代码注释率的程序,干脆自己写一个算了。。。 24 Aug 2013 | 08:46 pm
摘要: 没有用正则表达式和第三方库,纯C++98语法的程序,不足之处请各位路过的朋友指正。。。辅助函数,过滤掉起始空格。。。Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)>1 std::string::size_type skip_lead....
WP Editor Plugin 17 Apr 2013 | 08:58 pm
WordPress has a built-in editor that you can use to make changes to your theme or plugin, but let’s be honest, it’s pretty bad. Many basic features are missing such as line numbers, and code highlight...
WP Robot Discount Code & Special Warrior Coupon Code 2 Nov 2011 | 09:50 pm
I have been using WP Robot for two years in many of my websites and I have set up the WP Robot in many of my client websites. WP Robot is currently the one and only powerful WordPress Autoposting Plug...