Most wp shop germany related news are at:
Allgemeine Fragen zu wpShopGermany • Re: [Micropayment] Maximal 49% Gebühren bei Call2Pay? 27 Aug 2013 | 06:55 pm
Wie unterscheidet das System dann zwischen Euro und %? --- Zum Test habe ich mal das %-Zeichen entfernt, aber das Ergebnis hat mich nicht überrascht. - Es wird dann nämlich in Euro gerechnet. Ich h...
Allgemeine Fragen zu wpShopGermany • Re: Download-Produkt mit großer Datei 27 Aug 2013 | 06:15 pm
Danke für den Tipp. Leider hat das Deaktivieren von W3 Total Cache mein Upload und .htaccess Problem nicht behoben. Es kommt die gleiche Meldung und keine Download-Datei wurde im Produkt abgelegt. Kön...
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Technik FAQ im Shop! 18 May 2012 | 06:04 am
NEU NEU NEU Technik FAQ im Racing-Shop!
wordpress主题(强大CMS) 2 Feb 2012 | 07:16 pm
WordPress Theme iSite – WordPress Version “The 1 Page Site” WordPress Theme Sofa Stockphoto – WP shop with Deposit system WordPress Theme “News Magazine 24″ WordPress Theme “E-Shopper” WordPress T...
Installer un module eCommerce sur un blog WordPress avec le plugin WP Shopping Cart 2 Jan 2009 | 10:46 pm
1°) Installation The Other Boleyn Girl movie full Télécharger le plugin wp e-commerce sur : Dézipper le fichier .zip puis copier le dossier wp-e-comm...
Where to get «KNOW MORE» by Norbert Bayer 8 Oct 2012 | 02:00 pm
Here is a list of shops which sell the artist publication «KNOW MORE» by Norbert Bayer ONLINE MAILORDER This Is A Bookshop SHOPS GERMANY Berlin Motto Berlin www.mottodistributi...
Common Errors: WP Super Cache Not Working with eCommerce Gallery? 11 Mar 2011 | 12:27 pm
Is your shopping cart page not updating when you make edits or checkout ? This can easily be resolved by configuring your WP Super Cache plugin to prevent it from caching your Shopping Cart page. To...
WP FlexiShop A Versatile WP E-Commerce Theme 3 Apr 2011 | 05:23 pm
This theme utilises the powerful WP E -Commerce plugin to create a versatile and feature packed WordPress powered shop, with 3 different layout options and unlimited color possibilities. Make this the...
Kleeneze Scam – Are The Complaints Valid? 2 Feb 2012 | 06:13 pm
Tweet Kleeneze was founded in 1923, now operates in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Germany as well as the Netherlands. Their vision is to be the friendly face of Home Shopping giving consumers a qualit...
Azon Pro Shopping List -WP Plugin Amazon 24 May 2012 | 02:10 am
Get it here:
Used Violin 24 Jun 2010 | 11:21 pm
A shop compare Vintage Violin Germany 1 Vote(s)
WP-Snippets Gets an Upgrade 17 Jan 2012 | 08:55 pm
Since its launch well over a year ago, WP-Snippets has quickly grown into the most popular one-stop-shop for useful WordPress code snippets. WP-Snippets has finally received a major upgrade, making it...