Most wpa tester android related news are at:

Google Glass: pronti al lancio per il 2014 10 May 2013 | 07:39 pm
Come era stato annunciato solo di recente, sono ormai pronti per essere messi in commercio i Google Glass, gli occhiali a realtà aumentata e stampa 3D. Il nuovo ritrovato tecnologico voluto da BigG...
Google Glass: pronti al lancio per il 2014 10 May 2013 | 07:39 pm
Come era stato annunciato solo di recente, sono ormai pronti per essere messi in commercio i Google Glass, gli occhiali a realtà aumentata e stampa 3D. Il nuovo ritrovato tecnologico voluto da BigG,...
More wpa tester android related news:
WPA tester: testiamo la sicurezza del nostro wifi con Android 8 Jun 2012 | 08:10 pm
Wpa tester è un'app per Android che ci consente di testare la sicurezza delle nostre reti Wi-fi. Questa applicazione una volta scaricata e avviata rileverà la presenza di tutte le reti wireless indica...
WPA + MAC + Android 27 Aug 2013 | 03:17 pm
How to screen capture on Android Device 1 May 2010 | 02:45 am
If you are a mobile tester and looking for how to screen capture in Android based device then follow below steps. Using below steps you can do screen capture in android device using Dalvik Debug Monit...
Seeking Beta Testers 3 Sep 2011 | 08:10 am
I'm getting close to the release of my new WordPress plugin: WP AutoPilot - an autoblogging plugin for WordPress. This plugin allows WordPress users to easily auto-update their blogs. More info at WPA...
Wanted: Beta tester(s) 20 Jan 2012 | 09:00 am
Currently we are testing an early beta of Relax and Sleep that uses pre-decoded soundfiles. This version will likely solve the skipping issue on newer android device. But to make sure this is workin...
Android update checker 7 Sep 2003 | 09:31 am
Recently I've started to develop a few Android applications with some friends, and as soon as I started to make updates I faced a problem: how can I tell my beta testers to update to the latest test v...
Android For PC (BlueStacks) 11 May 2012 | 09:35 am
BlueStacks App Player lets you run your Android apps fast and full screen on Windows PCs and tablets. Alpha testing recently ended, but you can sign up to be a beta tester. Join people in more than 1...
Juke Power Up : Flash Power on Android 24 Jul 2010 | 06:30 am
Cette dernière mission chez Digitas fût riche en émotion. L’objectif ? Créer une web application Flash pour Android afin de tester et démontrer que les possibilités du nouveau player 10.1 sont adaptée...
Vlingo : c'est Siri pour Android 8 Dec 2011 | 11:44 pm
Si vous êtes utisateur d'Android et que vous aimeriez avoir un équivalent du Siri de l'iPhone, vous devriez tester Vlingo. Pour le décrire en une phrase « Vlingo fait sensiblement la même chose sur An...
VirtualBox : Tester Windows 8 release preview sans supprimer Windows 7 4 Jun 2012 | 12:33 am
Microsoft a prévu à la fin de l'année de sortir son nouveau système d'exploitation Windows 8, un OS hybride entre Windows 7 et les OS mobile tactile comme WP7, Android, et iOS Ils ont mis à la dispos...