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More wpf datagrid binding related news:
Wpf datagrid checkboxes multiselect 4 Jul 2012 | 07:15 am
Üzerinde uğraştığımız bir projede DataGrid’de arama sonuçlarındaki elemanları CheckBox yardımıyla seçtirmek istedim aynen windows explorer da olduğu gibi. Hemen örnek göstereyim Sizde yukarıdaki gibi...
WPF DataGrid Scrolling Performance 16 Jul 2012 | 03:07 am
I was investigating some sluggish scrolling performance in one of my apps that was using WPF DataGrid. I used the Visual Studio Profiler to find some hot spots and found that “PrepareContainerForItem...
5. WPF - Data Binding 19 Feb 2007 | 04:00 am
V XAMLu máme k dispozici několik dílčích technologií - pro změnu vzhledu používáme styly a šablony, abychom mohli reagovat na události používáme trigry a nyní se podíváme na Data Binding, který nám um...
New: WPF DataGrid filtering 15 Aug 2013 | 06:03 am
As requested by several customers, we have now added smart filtering options into our WPF DataGrid control. This is available right now in the current nightly build. Just like sorting and grouping, fi...
Improved: WPF DataGrid Performance 23 Jul 2013 | 09:40 am
WPF DataGrid Performance, it’s something we love to improve. In fact we love improving the performance of everything we build, to us, performance is a feature. Each and every time we push the boundari...
New: WPF DataGrid filtering 15 Aug 2013 | 06:03 am
As requested by several customers, we have now added smart filtering options into our WPF DataGrid control. This is available right now in the current nightly build. Just like sorting and grouping, fi...
Improved: WPF DataGrid Performance 23 Jul 2013 | 09:40 am
WPF DataGrid Performance, it’s something we love to improve. In fact we love improving the performance of everything we build, to us, performance is a feature. Each and every time we push the boundari...
WPF and convention based binding 23 Jun 2010 | 05:46 pm
An another interesting aspect about Rob Eisenberg MVVM sample application is how it handles binding solely through conventions. That is no binding expressions in the XAML and no event hookups in the c...
DataGrid paging sorting, ASP.NET Development California 23 Aug 2007 | 03:48 pm
ASP.NET Development CaliforniaDataGrid paging sorting1. Binding to the DataGrid: ToA. DataSet1. DataTable (in a dataset)2. DataView (sorted, filtered view of a DataTable)B. DataReader: Database specif...
Bindings In Silverlight 22 Jun 2012 | 11:43 am
Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (WPF) $22.69 Printed entirely in color, with helpful figures and syntax coloring to make code samples appear as they do in Visual Studio. Windows Presentation...