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WPMU Multi-site WordPress với Auto Blog 12 Sep 2010 | 07:42 am
Bài viết này chia sẻ một bí quyết trong việc kiếm tiền trên Internet với Google Adsense Chúng ta đều biết, để kiếm tiền từ Google Adsense thì việc quan trọng là cần xây dựng được 1 website có những t...
Joomla on multi DB 9 Dec 2010 | 02:15 am
Objective : To support Joomla 1.6 on multiple databases Joomla 1.6 has a stable and extensible DB framework. We have enhanced the DB framework part of the Joomla core libraries to support multiple da...
Enabling Multi-Site option in WordPress 3.0 8 Jul 2011 | 04:25 am
WordPress 3.0 is when the big merge happens. The core of WPMU is incorporated in WordPress which means that you can now run multiple blogs from one installation of WordPress. This new feature is being...
Belkin N900 Dual-Band Wireless Router 2 May 2012 | 11:00 pm
The Belkin N900 DB Wireless Dual-Band N+ Router gives you ultimate performance for all aspects of network multi-tasking.
wpmu dev untuk membuat blog banyak sekaligus 6 Jan 2012 | 07:47 am
wpmu (wordpress multi user) sangat bagus digunakan untuk membuat banyak website hanya 1 kali install wordpress, kira2 mirip atau, jadi setiap website baru mempunyai alamat w...
Yii Framework + MySQL Part 3 (Using Our Models To Do Basic Queries On The DB) 4 Jul 2009 | 06:42 am
Using Yii Framework Models For Basic Queries. One of a multi-part tutorial on Yii and MySQL
Free Live Chat for Multi-User Wordpress MU + WPMu IFrame Issue 27 Jan 2009 | 08:43 am
Several Chatroll members have been asking lately about how to add chat to their Wordpress MU (multi-user) installation. Some of these members’ sites are very large: they host multiple Wordpress MU blo...
Global 404 for WPMU or WP Multi Sites 23 Jun 2010 | 03:42 am
I quickly drafted the following code in response to this tweet: I really really really really want a MU universal 404 file.less than a minute ago via TweetDeck Shelley Keith shelleyKeith If placed i...
GD Star Rating et Wpmu 20 Mar 2012 | 04:47 pm
Ceci est le deuxième article de ma série sur GD Star Rating. Il peut y avoir quelques problèmes si vous utilisez GD Star Rating sur un wordpress multi utilisateur. Si vous avez activé le plugin sur to...
Hello world! 31 May 2010 | 05:39 am
Welcome to LoneWolfMuskoka -- LoneWolf's latest playground on the internet. WordPress has taken the WordPress Multi User codebase (WPMU) and merged it into the core of WordPress itself for version 3....