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חבל הצלה: רק כרטיס לאלופות ימנע משאלקה קריסה טוטאלית 27 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
פתיחת עונה חלשה, פציעת הונטלאר ו-1:1 מול פאוק גרמו ללחץ במועדון מחבל הרוהר. הדחה עלולה לגרום למכה כלכלית ולמכירה של דראקסלר, הצלחה עשויה לייצר אלטרנטיבה לבאיירן ולדורטמונד. ועדיין, יש מישהו אחד שממש ל...
פוסט טראומה: ביונסה, ריהאנה וטיילור סוויפט באפטר פארטי של טקס ה-VMA 27 Aug 2013 | 01:10 pm
ליאונרדו דיקפריו הגיע בלי החברה החדשה, טיילור סוויפט הצטלמה עם האקס הארי סטיילס, ריהאנה שמרה על סטייל וקייטי פרי לא ויתרה על הזהב בשיניים. יש חיים אחרי הריקוד של מיילי סיירוס, מסתבר לכתבה המלאה
More x1 desktop search related news:
The best Linux desktop search tools | TuxRadar Linux 15 Jun 2011 | 04:20 am
The best Linux desktop search tools | TuxRadar Linux. A review of various desktop search tools on linux. In sum, Recoll is the best. V.
Tecnologias de Informação... 26 Oct 2007 | 09:05 pm
Utilizadores furiosos com actualização do XP que instala o Windows Desktop Search, Exame Informática O Windows Desktop Search está a ser instalado como actualização do Windows XP, o que está a compro...
Setting Your Search Default in Windows Seven 21 Mar 2010 | 02:48 pm
Windows Seven has some interesting, if flawed, search options (some tips here.) But install Google Desktop Search and you’re likely to lose the global shortcut key of Win + F, and there’s no obvious ...
I Need Mobile SEO! 26 Oct 2011 | 11:18 am
You need what?! Mobile search engine optimization (SEO) is actually a misnomer. While it is impressive to hear stats like mobile search is growing faster than desktop search and over 60% use mobile se...
Mobile Advertising Goes Mainstream 1 Nov 2011 | 01:44 am
US mobile ad spending will grow 47% in 2012, reaching $1.8 billion, as marketers seek to capitalize on rising smart device and mobile web adoption. As on the desktop, search and display (banners, rich...
Total Recoll, come indicizzare il file system Linux 11 Nov 2011 | 01:46 pm
Chi ha avuto l’esigenza di dover indicizzare il proprio file system in ambiente Linux sicuramente conosce Beagle o Google Desktop Search. Beagle è molto spesso installato nativamente ed è scritto in M...
Disable Nepomuk or Strigi (Desktop Search / Indexing) in KDE 4.7 Kubuntu openSUSE 16 Dec 2011 | 11:09 am
The KDE developers have included Strigi and Nepomuk to help users find files on their computer. You can read about strigi here or nepomuk here. If you’re a power user, or someone that has a very orga...
5 Ways to Optimize your Mobile SEO 27 Jun 2012 | 09:52 pm
Weever Apps - Mobile HTML5 Web App Maker for Wordpress, Joomla!, and Custom mobile web design Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has traditionally been applied to desktop searches and websites. Howeve...
Search for ‘Podcasts’ :Third-party apps Discarded in iTunes 17 Aug 2012 | 05:25 am
When iTunes users on the desktop search for podcasts, they’ll find that only Apple’s app comes up Searching for “Podcasts” on iTunes, show the results for Apple’s own podcast app only. Two iOS develop...
Google Adwords Commences Shared Budgets 25 Sep 2012 | 10:54 am
New Shared Budgets feature is recently launched by Google for AdWords. This new feature permits to set single budget shared by many campaigns including a mobile search campaign, a desktop search campa...