Most xbmc android remote setup related news are at:

Step by step guide to installing CM 10.1 on HTC One X using Ubuntu 13 Apr 2013 | 05:42 pm
While I think the HTC One X is a great bit of hardware I find HTC's changes to Android a little annoying. I use Nexus devices for my day to day use and find the more pure Android implementation provi...
Create New Document context menu item missing in Nautilus 3.6.3 13 Apr 2013 | 09:20 am
I recently installed the new Ubuntu Gnome 13.04 which comes with Nautilus(Files) 3.6.3. While I am loving Ubuntu Gnome one annoying thing missing from Nautilus(Files) is the ability to right click an...
More xbmc android remote setup related news:
XBMC Remote for iPhone and Android 21 Mar 2013 | 09:07 pm
It's been a while since I posted an article and that's because I have been busy working on my pet project - a jQuery Mobile based web remote for XBMC for use on your phone, tablet and desktop. It is ...
Dish Network Setup 722 16 Apr 2013 | 12:31 pm
Related Tags: que canal es cbs en dish network dish network remote control android app dish network denver address dish network number for ppv dish network ppv movies dish network espn not hd d...
Audio-Ausgabe von Android zu AirPlay-Boxen oder auch XBMC auf Raspberry Pi streamen 24 Jul 2013 | 06:42 pm
Auf der Suche nach interessanten Anwendungen rund um XBMC, Raspberry Pi und OpenElec bin ich über die Root-App AirAudio gestolpert, die für Android-User mit einem XBMC-Setup (oder auch anderen AirPlay...
Newsbin Remote Android App 1 Aug 2013 | 01:54 pm
We’ve been looking forward to an Android client for Newsbin Pro and are excited to see the new NBRemote Android app is ready for alpha testing. You’ll find all the setup information and APK download ...