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More xbox 360 wireless steering wheel related news:
Microsoft revela novo volante sem fio “Wireless Speed Wheel” para o Xbox 360 9 Jun 2011 | 07:00 am
A Microsoft revelou recentemente na feira de jogos E3 2011, um novo volante sem fio para o Xbox 360, batizado de Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel. Ele parece uma versão mais robusta do guidon de plástico...
Xbox 360 - Lenkrad "Wireless Racing Wheel" (Mad Catz) 25 Apr 2012 | 05:37 am
Wireless Racing Wheel für Xbox 360! Realistisches Fahrgefühl im Wohnzimmer! Das Wireless Racing Wheel für die Xbox 360 ist das perfekte Zubehör für Rennsimulationen! Produkteigenschaften: * Leistung...
Xbox 360 Racing Wheel – Should You Buy One? 11 Aug 2012 | 01:43 pm
If you adore racing games on the Xbox 360 owning a steering wheel should be next the do list. You havnt played till you played with a steering wheel. Should you get a steering wheel? It can be tough t...