Most xdebug related news are at:

xdebug + denwer (по данной статье я смог сдружить xdebug и denver) 27 Nov 2010 | 10:10 am
Всем доброго времени суток, уважаемые php'ешеры. В долгих поисках совего начала программировать на php, я обзавелся мыслью, что мне нужно все видеть, что происходит внутри выполняемого кода. Вот так я...
Установка xdebug из SVN в Ubuntu 15 Aug 2010 | 04:37 am
Если у вас не установлен пакет php5-dev, то его необходимо будет установить. sudo apt-get install php5-dev Переходим, при необходимости, в нужный нам каталог по средством cd cd /home/imyaslav/src ...
More xdebug related news:
Affinity Bridge Blog: Code optimization with Xdebug and KCachegrind 13 Sep 2009 | 02:33 pm
On the Affinity Bridge blog today there's a great post looking at the use of Xdebug and KCachegrind to pinpoint bottlenecks and possible refectoring points in your code in a bit more visual way. They ...
How install a php debugger: Xdebug, Komodo and MAMP 15 Aug 2011 | 07:44 am
And then there was light... Last week, I worked for the first time with a php debugger and finally things fell into place. I could see things I couldn’t see before, go into great detail, the obscure ...
Short: Enable Doctrine Query Backtrace in Web Developer Toolbar 23 Jul 2010 | 08:25 am
A very useful feature is the ability to pinpoint which queries are being called where. Especially if you have one query taking 6 seconds to run. Symfony and Xdebug will provide a nice little arrow nex...
Zend Studio 使用 Xdebug 断点调试 22 Jun 2011 | 09:04 pm
部分内容参考自 这里 1, 下载 Xdebug 2, 安装 3, 修改 php.ini 4, 修改 Zend Studio 设置 5, 在项目中新建一个 test.php 文件 6, 新建一个 Debug 命令
Debugging Magento Step by Step 29 Mar 2011 | 01:37 am
Although these debugging tips can be applied towards any LAMP application (for the most part), we wanted to give a more narrowly focused step by step debugging checklist for Magento. Get XDebug or Zen...
Zend Framework – Optimisation des performances, exemple 25 Jul 2009 | 08:53 am
Voici un petit exemple d’optimisation réalisé. J’ai analysé avec XDebug et WinCacheGrind l’appel à une page. Cette page affiche quelques centaines de lignes provenant d’une table d’une base de données...
Sublime text 2 et xdebug : liens cliquables sur les fichiers 24 Feb 2012 | 06:19 am
Salut, Si comme moi vous utilisez sublime text 2 pour développer, vous allez apprécier ce petit tips. Par exemple quand vous avez une erreur 500 et / ou une fatal erreur, xdebug vous affiche la backt...
Zend Server CE, Xdebug and Snow Leopard 29 Oct 2009 | 04:25 am
Zend Server CE is an awesome product. We had installed it just after it’s release but hadn’t really delved into all it’s features until today. We were just using it as a quick web server, but we wer...
Debugging CodeIgniter Project using Xdebug and Netbeans 13 Feb 2010 | 07:49 am
Finding the right way to debug PHP projects has always been a hot topic. Primitive solutions like `echo`, `print_r`,`var_dump` has always been the power tool for my type of ppl . Let us forget those ...
#forumPHP : résumé de ma seconde journée 22 Nov 2010 | 04:58 am
Second jour au forum PHP, très enrichissant. Voici le résumé de ma journée, un peu mieux synthétisé que la première journée. Déboguer son code avec Xdebug Présenté par Derick Rethans L’auteur de l’...