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More xml interface soap to php related news:
[share]How to parse SOAP response using PHP? 30 Sep 2011 | 01:48 pm
How to parse SOAP response using PHP and access its element? I have got SOAP response in xml format, but when I try to parse it, it display nothing. how to solve this?
How we configure memcached on fedora with machine restart 22 Jan 2010 | 03:29 am
First install the memcached on server- linux box # yum install php-pdo php-mcrypt squirrelmail php-pecl-apc php-xml php-gd php-devel php php-imap php-pgsql php-pear php-soap php-mbstring php-ldap php-...
Understanding PHP SOAP 26 Apr 2012 | 08:26 pm
SOAP is one of the greatest technologies that can assist you in creating amazing application. While it is true that it is a bit complicated to understand if you don’t have basic knowledge about XML or...
Edit a Wordpress Article with PHP and XML-RPC 10 May 2010 | 03:44 pm
I had created a topic discussing how to create an interface to add new posts to a Wordpress blog using PHP and XML-RPC. It was something I had needed for work. Unfortunately for many of my site visito...
Google SOAP API key end, XML PHP solution 15 May 2009 | 09:57 am
The Google search SOAP API key service is about to end, at August 2009. A couple of years ago I developed a PHP XML parser to get google search results in a list of URLs, like a Google API …
Understanding PHP SOAP 26 Apr 2012 | 04:26 pm
SOAP is one of the greatest technologies that can assist you in creating amazing application. While it is true that it is a bit complicated to understand if you don’t have basic knowledge about XML or...
React: User Interfaces mit JavaScript und XML-Syntax 9 Jul 2013 | 02:24 am
Dass die Programmierer von Facebook interessante Projekte für Webentwickler veröffentlichten, dürfte seit dem PHP-JIT-Compiler HipHop bekannt sein. Nun gibt es auch für JavaScript-Entwickler ein inter...