Most xmpp server related news are at:

Prosody 0.9 released 22 Aug 2013 | 02:22 am
The Prosody dev team has been quite busy – here is the details from their mailing list announcement: We are proud to present you with the release of Prosody 0.9.0. Prosody is a lightweight XMPP serv...
Membership voting for Q2 2013 has started 14 Aug 2013 | 12:26 pm
Alex has started the membership voting process for Q2 2013 applications and would love it if all the current members chat with the memberbot and vote on the 2013 Q2 membership applications. Proxy vot...
More xmpp server related news:
Trillian for Windows (5.3 Build 12) 16 Jan 2013 | 10:58 pm
More fixes in Build 12 going out today. We’ve brought back an explicit option to show service icons by popular request, fixed an issue with certain XMPP servers, and tidied up a few other things. Enjo...
Install Openfire Messaging server on Cent OS 6 5 Apr 2013 | 10:00 pm
Tech Blog - This is short how to on installing and configuring Openfire on Cent OS 6, Openfire is an instant messaging (IM) and groupchat server that uses XMPP server written in Java and licensed unde...
Prosody as a personal xmpp server 20 May 2013 | 10:29 pm
Nearly six years ago, I set up a personal Jabber server using ejabberd. This setup survived the server migration to Ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04. This past weekend, I attempted to migrate that to a server ...
Multiple windows for the same chat 22 May 2013 | 10:33 pm
We are using Psi 0.15 for Windows with Communigate Pro acting as an XMPP server for IM/CHAT. The client works very well, but we have one oddity that is annoying us. Specifically, This course of events...
XMPP (Jabber) on 16 Aug 2013 | 12:38 am
XMPP (Jabber) on To finally get away from services like ICQ or Skype I run my own XMPP server from now – this means my e-mail-address is also my contact address (see Contact) for XMPP (...
Tigase XMPP Server 5.2.0 Beta3 27 Aug 2013 | 01:48 am
The third beta of Tigase XMPP Server 5.2.0 has been released. Binaries are available for download right now in the files section on the project tracking system. Sources are available in our code repos...
On the way to Tigase version 5.2.0 - improvement to the project management 8 Aug 2013 | 05:34 pm
Tigase is getting better and bigger! The reason for that is creating additional components and tools around the Tigase XMPP Server, so in addition to already available the Tigase MUC and the Tigase P...
Tigase XMPP Server 5.2.0 and later - compilation and generating distribution packages 8 Aug 2013 | 04:42 pm
Starting with version 5.2.0 Tigase Server we switch for generating distribution packages from Ant to Maven. This will allow better depencency management as well as build repeatability. Guides A very s...
JDK7 required from next Beta 7 Aug 2013 | 02:39 am
Just a heads up. From next Tigase XMPP Server version (5.2.0 Beta3) you need JDK7 in order to compile it and run. Unfortunately, there are some problems in JDK6 which cannot be solved without a signi...
Forums 10 Jul 2013 | 10:30 pm
All forums have been moved over to Redmine. Each project has it's own forums and can be found under following links: Tigase XMPP Server Tigase Multi User Chat Component Tigase PubSub Component Tig...