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If you want to learn HLSL, you might like… 9 Aug 2013 | 02:03 am
I got word of a new book that takes a look at HLSL in DirectX11: ‘HLSL Development Cookbook’, written by Doron Feinstein (currently Senior Graphics Engineer at Rockstar Games) While I admit I haven’...
Dynamic 2D Shadows for Windows Phone 7 9 Jan 2013 | 07:39 pm
By request, here is the port of the old Dynamic 2D Shadows sample to XNA 4.0, on Windows Phone 7. Download Dynamic 2D Shadows There may be performance improvements that could be done. I just took the ...
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7. Sizing Adjustment with SL's Edit 6 Jul 2009 | 03:42 pm
If you know how to stretch and rotate prims in SL's editor, you can adjust sizing using the red sizing guides as follows: EDIT the beadrez object (Edit from the right-click pie menu) Set "Ruler mode...