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精通iOS程式設計 第二版 25 Oct 2012 | 07:31 pm
"這本書包含了心懷大志的開發人員開始開發 iOS 平台程式所需要的一切,我發現它內容豐富,而且非常易懂。強力推薦給你!" --Fraser Speirs Connected Flow Ltd. 總監及FlickrExport 創造者 《精通iOS程式設計 第二版》是由碁峰發行,譯自O’Reilly的《Learning iOS Programming, 2nd Edition》;原文書是於今年3月出...
以目標平台作為產品分類的Visual Studio Express 2012 13 Sep 2012 | 01:41 pm
Express是Visual Studio眾多的版本之一,也是微軟免費提供的開發工具。這一次,微軟對Visual Studio Express 2012旗下的產品線,做了些許微調,讓人更清楚每一款產品而不易混淆。 Visual Studio Express 2012(VSE)旗下的產品包括(最後一款尚未推出): Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web Visual S...
More xp x64 sp3 related news:
Activar/Validar Windows/Office :: Re: Validar Windows XP Professional SP3 [.REG] [Diciembre 2011][MF] 26 May 2012 | 01:04 pm
Autor: screamblack Asunto: Re: Validar Windows XP Professional SP3 [.REG] [Diciembre 2011][MF] Publicado: Sab 26 May, 2012 03:04 (GMT 1) graxxxxxxx
Activar/Validar Windows/Office :: Re: Validar Windows XP Professional SP3 [.REG] [Diciembre 2011][MF] 26 May 2012 | 07:10 am
Autor: johanzizou Asunto: Re: Validar Windows XP Professional SP3 [.REG] [Diciembre 2011][MF] Publicado: Vie 25 May, 2012 21:10 (GMT 1) grrrrrraciassssssssssssssssssssssss eR_ErMiTañø escribió: [Ve...
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated August 2011 30 Aug 2011 | 04:39 am
Windows® XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) includes all previously released updates for the operating system. This update also includes a small number of new functionalities, which do not significantly change c...
TODAY I GIVE YOU FOLLOWING SOFTWARES: 1.Windows XP Professional SP3 32 Bit. 2.Nero Burning Rom 11. 3.TuneUp Utilities 12.0 (2012) Full Version With Serial Keys. 4.Internet Download Manager IDM 6.1...
MULTI Windows Xp Professional Sp3 French April 2011 29 May 2012 | 10:55 pm
Windows Xp Professional Sp3 French April 2011 Size: 569 MB For those who still prefer XP over Vista or Win 7, here?s Windows XP? release by BIE which includesSP3 with latest updates available till apr...
StartingXp sp3 Türkçe 2012 Tek-link 30 May 2012 | 09:05 pm
Starting Xp sp3 Türkçe 2012 Tek link Güncellenen Sistem : Windows XP PRO SP3 ISO Boyut : 624 MB (400+224) Güncellik Tarihi : Nisan 2012'ye kadar çıkan tüm güncellemeleri içerir. Kurulum Çözünürlüğ...
StartingXp sp3 Türkçe 2012 Tek-link 30 May 2012 | 09:05 pm
[Linkleri Görebilmek İçin Üye Olmanız Gerekmektedir. Üye Olmak İçin Tıklayın...] Starting Xp sp3 Türkçe 2012 Tek link Güncellenen Sistem : Windows XP PRO SP3 ISO Boyut : 624 MB (400+224) Güncellik...
Windows XP Corporate SP3 eXtreme Edition 1 Apr 2012 | 02:21 pm
Date: 11-3-2012 Developer: Microsoft/c400 Platform: 32bit Language: English + Russian Medicine: not required (serial number: DG8FV-B9TKY-FRT9J-6CRCC-XPQ4G) Size: 666.5 MB mb/1.68 gb/82.29 The assembl...
اقوى واجمل نسخه ويندوز اكس بى سرعه وثبات - ويندوز Windows XP Professional SP3 Black Edition 2012 - ويندوز اكس بي بلاك 2012 21 May 2012 | 05:51 am
اقوى واجمل نسخه ويندوز اكس بى - سرعه - ثبات - جمال- ويندوز Windows XP Professional SP3 Black Edition 2012 - ويندوز اكس بي بلاك 2012 بالتجربه وبعد تجربه العديد جدا من نسخ الويندوز اكس بى اخيرا اكثر ال...
Windows XP Pro SP3 Media Center 15 Apr 2012 | 02:38 am
حصريا مع نسخة الأكس بى الغاية فى الروعة والجمال Windows XP Pro SP3 Media Center+Microsoft Office 2010 مضاف إليها أهم برامج التشغيل وتعريفات لأجهزة كثيرة بالإضافة إلى ميكروسوفت اوفيس 2010 - بأخر التحدي...