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More yaml related news:
Java 中使用 YAML 28 Mar 2012 | 02:14 pm
JYaml :读取配置文件等一些操作相对比较方便 Object o = Yaml.load( new File(“…”)) 就可以把Yaml的配置读进变量了, 而 String s = Yaml.dump(object) 也可以很方便地前变量导出成 yaml String 可惜比较麻烦的是,没有无参的构造方法的对象将会被导出失败。包括 java.sql.Timestamp ,没有...
Working with Settings.yaml 14 Mar 2012 | 08:49 am
Sometimes you need a couple of configuration parameters for your project. In TYPO3 most of this settings are done via flexforms or TypoScript settings. In FLOW3 there is a file called Settings.yaml. ...
What’s New in Crammit 0.3 12 Mar 2012 | 05:06 pm
Crammit 0.3 is out. Two main features in this release: - Python 2.6 support (thanks to Didip Kerabat for contributing code) - files option in assetsinfo.yaml that lists all processed files for a bu...
rto: sfYaml complies for 43% with Yaml 1.2 spec 8 Feb 2010 | 07:29 pm
For a recent project I needed to write a small domain specific language. I decided to use a language based on YML, as the DSL was also array based. While reading the spec of of Yaml 1.2, I was surpris...
YAML – Generador de layouts basados en CSS 22 Jul 2009 | 07:33 pm
En algún post anterior hacía referencia a sitios web con layouts css para hacer C&P. Vía he conocido YAML, una interesante aplicación online que permite, de modo visual, la creación...
Indentation avec des espaces pour les fichiers YAML avec SciTE 22 Jul 2009 | 08:06 pm
Vous utilisez SciTE comme éditeur de code, et vous l’avez configuré pour utiliser des tabulations pour l’indentation dans votre coding style ? C’est parfait, vous êtes sur la voix de la sagesse. Mais ...
Importing a List with BulkLoader 19 Jun 2010 | 06:16 pm
The latest bulkloader script (api version 1.3.4) does a much better job of exporting data when you auto generate a .yaml file. However it doesn’t handle the re-import of lists by default (it just trea...
How to Delete an Index in an AppEngine Datastore 19 Apr 2010 | 03:23 pm
If using Python, you can delete an index by first removing the entry in your index.yaml file, and then updating your site. Then you must issue this command: vacuum_indexes myapp/ With Djan...
How to add custom code to Doctrine’s Model Generator. 12 Apr 2010 | 10:42 am
When I start a Flex/Doctrine project, I create the DB model using MySQL Workbench. From there, I’ll use the Doctrine MySQL Workbench plugin (slightly modified) to create my YAML file. I’ll then run th...
YAML für Drupal Template 9 Sep 2006 | 08:35 pm
Auf diesen Seiten befindet sich ein Drupal CMS Template auf Basis des YAML Frameworks. Dieses Drupal Template soll allen Drupal Einsteigern und Fortgeschrittenen die Möglichkeit geben auf einfache Wei...