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More yaro lightbox plugin related news:
jQuery lightbox with prettyPhoto 6 May 2012 | 04:44 am
prettyPhoto is a famous jQuery lightbox plugin. Apart from showing images, it also supports flash, YouTube, Vimeo, Quicktime, etc.. The installation is very simple and you can control the settings o...
Popup Domination 15 Apr 2012 | 02:39 pm
Popup Domination is a premium WordPress LightBox Plugin. The aim of this product is to be a complete solution for all your LightBox needs. With ready made templates, an easy to use interface, and full...
Form Lightbox v1.1 27 Nov 2011 | 09:34 pm
The new version of Form Lightbox plugin version 1.1 now available for download at plugin site. Here are new updated options and function: New admin page to control settings Two type of...
Form Lightbox Demo 29 Oct 2011 | 05:31 pm
This is a few example on how you can use Form Lightbox plugin. 1. Use with Gravity Form Test to Gravity Form We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with ...
10 Best jQuery Lightbox Plugins for WordPress 10 May 2012 | 02:22 pm
If you are still using the old direct image links in your blog, it’s time to change. What about adding some magnificent effect for your blog’s image. It’s easy to implement using jQuery. And with the...
Modif Lightbox Plugins menjadi Lightbox Slideshow 29 Dec 2011 | 04:07 am
Ini adalah sebuah tips dan trick untuk menambahkan fungsi slideshow pada Widget Lightbox plugin Blogdetik. Dengan tambahan fungsi slideshow maka ketika sebuah image gallery pada lightbox diaktifkan de...
Settings für das jQuery Plugin NotesForLightBox 30 Oct 2009 | 07:47 am
Dieses Lightbox Plugin zählt eindeutig zu den schöneren Vertretern seiner Art. leider gibt zwei drei Stopper in der Doku, deswegen hier meine Settings zu konservatorischen Zwecken: Achtung: Nicht ver...
WordPress Lightbox Plugin 5 May 2011 | 11:32 am
Just released a new WordPress Lightbox Plugin on I have been testing my plugin for a while now for personal and affiliate sites with great results. I plan on releasing several more plug...
Lightbox plugin test 28 Jan 2011 | 11:11 pm
WP LIGHTBOX ULTIMATE GENERAL Anchor text for Mov Video Anchor text for FLV Video < br/> Anchor text for Mp4 Video < br/> Anchor text for Mov Video < br/> Anchor text for mp3 <br /> Anchor te...
Fullsize, a new jQuery lightbox plugin and IMG Attribute 6 Apr 2009 | 04:01 am
Fullsize is an attempt to add a new IMG attribute called “fullsize” in the next version of HTML. The idea is simple; create a standardized solution by which browsers handle the image popups rather tha...