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The year end sales is back!! 4 Dec 2010 | 05:08 am
Hey people, In conjunction with Christmas, take 20% off the listed price on all items except for Clearance Items (which are already at rock bottom prices btw!). To top it off, buy 3 items & above and...
2011: A Year In Music 27 Dec 2011 | 02:12 pm
The slew of year end lists that tend to consume the internet never ceases to amuse me. Ranking art is in many ways a pointless exercise. My list of 2011′s best (insert art form here) will never be the...
Crocs Warehouse Stock Clearance 8 Dec 2011 | 07:13 pm
Rock the Croc this year end! Crocs may not be the cup of tea for many but you would be surprise to learn how comfortable and durable they are. Ever since the launch of crocs a few years back, their d...
Buying a Las Vegas Foreclosure 28 Nov 2009 | 09:36 pm
Las Vegas Foreclosure At the year end, Las Vegas held the highest ranking on foreclosures in the United States. Therefore, to all individuals seeking property in Las Vegas, there is genuinely no bett...
10 Most Popular Places to Vacation at the End of the Year 1 Feb 2011 | 05:40 pm
Christmas attractions and year-end best that has been ranked by leading tourist guide Lonely Planet 1. Santa Claus Village, Finland: If not satisfied with the number of Santa Claus at the mall, arose...
Fortune’s 500 Top 20 Companies of 2013 7 May 2013 | 01:31 pm
The Fortune 500 rankings are based on the total revenue of U.S. companies during the fiscal year ending January 31, 2013. The listings have been released annually since the year 1955. Walmart retook t...
Dec 2012 Informal Canadian elite rankings: Women 31 Jul 2013 | 03:10 am
Year end 2012 informal rankings: Female 1 Louise Oram GVOC -1.89 2 Katarina Smith Falcons -1.72 3 Molly Kemp OOC 3.61 4 Pam James YOA 4.65 5 Carol Ross Falcons 8.23 6 Galyna Petrenko UKR 8.25 7...
Dec 2012 Informal Canadian elite rankings: Men 31 Jul 2013 | 03:14 am
Year end 2012 informal rankings: Men 1 Eric Kemp OOC -1.70 2 Thomas Nipen GVOC 0.32 3 Will Critchley EOOC 1.38 4 Serghei Logvin GHO 2.06 5 Mike Smith Falcons 2.27 6 Brian May Sage 2.72 7 Gra...
Fantasy Football Draft Help: Top 20 Tight Ends 25 Aug 2013 | 08:03 pm
Rob Gronkowski and Jimmy Graham are very different players and they set themselves apart from the field in this year’s tight end rankings. Graham is likely to go in the 2nd round while Gronkowski cou...
Who Cares? We're Gonna Get Wet Anyway! 24 Aug 2013 | 10:43 am
As the end of our summer break approached, we thought fondly of our end-of-summer outing last year to Riven Rock Park with some other homeschooling families; and we decided to do it again. We picked ...