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Significado colores feng Shui 1 Apr 2009 | 02:30 am
Cada color afecta a la energía ch'i diferente, y por ello los colores se cree que son relacionados con el yin / yang y los cinco elementos. El color se puede utilizar para mantener la calma y mejorar ...
The Girlie Attractive Draw Heuer Method 1 Female Yin Yang Ch 30 May 2012 | 07:52 pm
Look at this Indicate Heuer look at certainly it will come from the concept of China’s Taichi design. This polished Level Heuer System 1 Girl Yin Yang observe is a wonderful demonstration of the brand...
The Girly Gorgeous Indicate Heuer Formulation 1 Girl Yin Yan 30 May 2012 | 07:45 pm
Look at this Indicate Heuer look at definitely it will come from the concept of China’s Taichi structure. This enhanced Tag Heuer Formula 1 Woman Yin Yang view is a good demonstration of the brand’s f...
Jeet Kune Do Announcements from Sifu Jerry Poteet 18 Apr 2011 | 08:07 am
Hello, It is my hope to share the training and experiences I received from Bruce Lee with as many people as possible. Bruce's art of Jeet Kune Do is the embodiment of the Yin/Yang principle: elegan...
Great Goddess Temple * Great Mother Temple 1 Aug 2009 | 11:34 am
Great Goddess Temple In the beginning, there was but 1 source for all The 1 expressed as 2 * Yin & Yang, Darkness & Light, Moon & Sun, Goddess and God God and Goddess Source and Form Ma - Matter ...
O Conteúdo fundamental da teoria de YIN-YANG 16 Aug 2011 | 05:31 am
A contradição entre Yin e Yang significa que o todo fenómeno ou facto da natureza tem ao mesmo tempo dois aspectos opostos, isto é, existem ao mesmo tempo duas partes contrarias: Yin e Yang. Por exemp...
Resensi Buku: The Secret of 5 Elements 17 Mar 2010 | 07:44 pm
The Secret of 5 Elements Energi 5 Elemen telah dikenal sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu di India, China, Tibet, Yunani, dan Jepang.Energi ini dikenal sebagai Prana, Chi, Ki, Yin & Yang, dan Tenaga Dalam....
Yin & Yang 1 Nov 2011 | 01:31 pm
I think this random photo (by Thereza) captures the different natures of my two dogs rather well...
D-E-C-E-P-Ç-Ã-O 10 Jun 2011 | 02:10 am
Porra de Yin-Yang. Porra de equilíbrio. Tem dias que você está uma maravilha. A melhor pessoa da face da Terra. A mais educada, a mais gentil, a mais alegre, a mais orgulhosa de todas. Mas tem outros...
Yin Yang 31 Mar 2011 | 08:35 pm
Se cunosc mai bine decat pe ei insisi... Se intorc unul dupa altul ca Floarea-Soarelui dupa Soare... Se atrag emotional ca doua picaturi de apa din acelasi ocean... Vezi in ochii lor sclipiri de senti...