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2013年大会記念商品 傘(ロングタイプ)YOSX0041自主回収のご案内とお詫び 26 Aug 2013 | 07:00 am
平素より弊社商品をご愛顧頂き、誠にありがとうございます。 2013年大会記念商品として販売させて頂いた傘(ロングタイプ)YOSX0041において、高温下でご使用頂いた場合、親骨が折れ曲がる可能性があ...
秋のパワークッション トラベルフェア2013を開催いたします 23 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
ヨネックスでは10月31日まで「秋のパワークッション トラベルフェア2013」を開催します。これはフェア期間中にヨネックスパワークッション・ウォーキングシューズをお買い上げの方を対象として『マカオ賞...
More yonex related news:
Yonex dans le Water Badminton? 24 Jan 2011 | 05:52 am
La rumeur circule sur l’engagement de Yonex dans le nouveau sport qui monte à savoir le Badminton Aquatique. En effet la marque japonaise, leader dans la fabrication de raquettes et volants de badmint...
How To select The Best golf clubs For Your Game 6 May 2012 | 04:28 am
Wilson , Callaway, Titleist, Adams , King Cobra, Yonex, Ping , Taylor Made, Mizuno, and Spaulding are all excellent name brand golf clubs. As a beginning or even a pro golfer, trying to decree which s...
Delivered Racket 5 Sep 2010 | 03:56 am
This is my racket(Apacs) tat my friend help me to bring it from Kuc to KL. Thanks to ah Kit. My brother juz help me to replace the string(Yonex BG66) and the grip(Fleet). This is my wish that I have a...
Yonex 11 May 2010 | 08:00 pm
This is my new shoes tat i bought at Jusco,Sunway. It's the first time i buy a new shoes at west M'sia. It's has the time&date on the right>>bottom of the photo. Oh ya, it's call Yonex(ModelUltima 98 ...
Yonex Voltric 5 Badminton Racket 11 Mar 2012 | 12:12 am
Yonex Voltric 5 is a well balanced racquet with great handling and power for mid-level players. Combining incredible power and lightning fast racquet for the first time, the VOLTRIC series racquet ca...
Yonex Badminton Strings 29 Oct 2010 | 02:34 am
Yonex BG80 Hard Feel MULTIFILAMENT/Vectran The high-modulus Vectran fiber is an advanced material wrapped around a strong multifilament core. Its ultra-thin gauge gives players greater power for sm...
Sizes 24 Nov 2009 | 09:14 pm
Chaussures Yonex Tableaux de correspondance et de conversion entre pointures US, UK et pointures France : Hommes : Pointure Fr 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Taille du pied (cm) 24,...
Yonex Nanospeed 9000 Type X, S Review 9 Dec 2010 | 02:04 am
Continuing the discussion (for me) a new snowshoeing gathering, took my own advice on how to choose a badminton racket and borrowed snowshoes for my friends to test the previous weekend. Since they ar...
Yonex ArcSaber 7 d review 8 Dec 2010 | 07:01 am
The last time I mentioned about the new series of Yonex, called ArcSaber. This snowshoeing is pro tour player for a very short time. Gao Ling of China has used it. I do not know when Yonex USA will im...