Most your next shoes related news are at:

Jordana Brewster Shows a Leggy Look in Mini Skirt and Pierre Hardy Heels 27 Aug 2013 | 02:39 pm
Jordana Brewster joined Vin Diesel as he receives a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday, August 26. Aside from Jordana, Michelle Rodriguez also showed support as well as his Riddick co-star K...
Taylor Swift Drops the F-Word in Prada Platforms at the 2013 MTV VMAs 26 Aug 2013 | 06:41 pm
Taylor Swift won Best Female Video award at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards yesterday. But besides that wonderful bit of news, the country cutie actually also did two other things you would never have...
More your next shoes related news:
Get Facebook Credits on Your Next Shoe Buy 22 Feb 2011 | 03:36 am
A new Shoebuy coupon is offering the following fresh idea: on your next purchase at Shoebuy, you will get 50 Facebook Credits, on top of free shipping. This coupon applies for every item on the store...
'Earth to Jeanne ...' 27 Jun 2012 | 11:31 pm
Writer's block. "Cancered-out."* Waiting for the next shoe to drop, medical or otherwise. Nothing to say. Given all of the above, I won't be blogging for awhile. * I borrowed this expression from Ann'...
Falling apart? Welcome to the club! 12 Aug 2013 | 04:30 pm
Do you ever become nervous when everything is running smoothly? I do! It is like waiting for the next shoe to drop. Sadly, I guess that makes me a pessimist similar to Eeyore. I am working on becom...
Falling apart? Welcome to the club! 12 Aug 2013 | 04:30 pm
Do you ever become nervous when everything is running smoothly? I do! It is like waiting for the next shoe to drop. Sadly, I guess that makes me a pessimist similar to Eeyore. I am working on becom...
It's all about the floral 6 Jul 2013 | 05:03 pm
T-Shirt - Topshop, Skirt - Brick Lane, Belt and Clutch - c/o Next, Shoes - Zara, Necklace - Vintage, Bangle - Chapel (HK) I have been super behind with outfit blogging lately since my family have bee...
Among the dunes 4 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
ZARA top, NEXT shoes (c/o) We went for a walk last night down to the beach. As a blogger you get into this really irritating habit of having to have your camera with you everywhere, last night I was ...
Among the dunes 4 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
ZARA top, NEXT shoes (c/o) We went for a walk last night down to the beach. As a blogger you get into this really irritating habit of having to have your camera with you everywhere, last night I was ...
Are Pipex Fraudulent Criminals? 7 Feb 2008 | 08:08 am
UPDATE: This article is now the first of two. Unfortunately things with Pipex are still ongoing (as of 24th March 2008) and I have now concluded that in my opinion this has to be fraud. For the next ...
"This or that" game. 15 May 2012 | 01:31 pm
To play this game choose one of the choices the person who posted above you has written. For example: Person 1: Dogs or Cats Person 2: Dogs Next post a "This or That" of your own. And the next pers...
Remembering Rajeev 6 Jun 2009 | 05:56 pm
It has been a long time since I have updated this blog. In fact, I have been doing some research for what I thought would be my next post. Unfortunately, life does not always give you the luxury to p...