Most youtube-dl linux related news are at:

On eMail 6 Nov 2010 | 04:30 am
Just like probably most people on the Internet I receive a lot of spam, especially on my very first eMail-address I ever registered. read more
Getting a good grip on Claws - a review for daily use 17 Feb 2010 | 06:18 am
In 2009 I had written about my experience with Claws Mail. After almost a year with Claws and a few minor releases, I thought it useful to share my experiences after a longer period of time. read mor...
More youtube-dl linux related news:
convertire e ritagliare un video di youtube in un mp3 su ubuntu 23 Jan 2012 | 03:54 am
Per scaricare e convertire il Video: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg youtube-dl youtube-dl ffmpeg -i 010ovH5hY5Y.webm yourtrack.mp3 A questo punto va selezio...
youtube වීඩියෝ download කිරීමට youtube-dl 18 Nov 2011 | 09:05 pm
ලිනක්ස් මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධති භාවිතා කරන බොහෝ දෙනෙකුගේ ප්රියතම youtube වීඩියෝ ඩවුන්ලෝඩරය වන්නේ youtube-dl ය. ඉතින් නොදන්න අය ඉන්නවනම් එය ඔබේ ලිනක්ස් පරිගණකයේ ස්ථාපනය කරගන්නා හැටි මෙම ලිපියෙන් කියන්නම්. yo...
Cómo bajar videos de YouTube con youtube-dl en Ubuntu 5 Oct 2012 | 11:04 pm
Es muy fácil, primero hay que instalar el programa youtube-dl, abre una terminal y teclea: sudo apt-get install youtube-dl Para usarlo sólo ve al directorio donde desees que se guarde el archivo, copi...
להוריד מיוטיוב עם youtube-dl 1 Nov 2012 | 11:46 pm
לא פעם אני רוצה להוריד סרטון מיוטיוב, בעיקר בשביל צפייה או האזנה ללא חיבור לאינטרנט. בעבר הייתי משתמש באתרים שמורידים את הסרטון וגם ממירים אותו אבל לאחרונה רבים מהאתרים האלה הפסיקו לעבוד בגלל שגוגל לא...
youtube-dl ile video indirin 28 Dec 2012 | 09:38 pm
Bayılıyorum şu python betiklerine. İhtiyaç duyduğun anda hep elinin altında yapılmış hazır bir python betiği oluyor. Eminim youtube-dl’i onlarca kişi kullanmış, bir o kadarı da anlatmıştır, bende kısa...
Cómo descargar videos de YouTube en Ubuntu con youtube‑dl 5 Oct 2012 | 11:04 pm
Es muy fácil, primero hay que instalar el programa youtube-dl, abre una terminal y teclea: sudo apt-get install youtube-dl Para usarlo sólo ve al directorio donde desees que se guarde el archivo, copi...
Youtube-dl, les vidéos chez vous 23 Apr 2013 | 04:13 pm
Chanceux utilisateurs de Firefox. Existe pour eux Video Download Helper, extension permettant de télécharger une copie des vidéos diffusées en flux continu sur Youtube et sites similaires. Ces enregis...
Installing mod_pagespeed on Cpanel Server 24 Jun 2013 | 07:18 pm
Download rpm from google developer website. cd /usr/local/src; mkdir modpagespeed; cd modpagespeed wget rpm2cpio mod-pag...
Youtube-dl — Обновлённая утилита для загрузки видео с YouTube и других видеохостингов 9 Jul 2013 | 02:11 am
Youtube-dl - это утилита для загрузки видеозаписей с различных видеохостингов, таких как YouTube. Совсем недавно данная утилита удачно обновилась, добавив аж 17 сайтов в список поддерживаемых: hotnew...
Youtube-dl: The best tool for downloading YouTube videos in Ubuntu, Period. 16 Aug 2013 | 01:05 pm
In the earlier days, downloading of YouTube videos in Ubuntu required nothing more than a simple copy and paste action. But those clever hacks won't work in newer versions of Firefox or Chrome. That's...