Most youtube annoying orange related news are at:

Attention, Anti-Tech TV Luddites: Kevin Spacey Would Like A Word With You 26 Aug 2013 | 10:01 pm
Ok, let’s just get this out of the way: Look: we all know that at some point, we need to put our iPhones and iPads down and spend more time looking at non-pixelated things. Like, have you ever seen an...
Prostitution Sex Boxes Give New Meaning to D*ck In a Box 26 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
If you give them a place, they’ll have sex in it. Makes sense. No one wants to hump in a car once they’re past the age of 22 (or 35 and drunk). No one wants to have sex in an alley or have to sneak ar...
More youtube annoying orange related news:
Annoying Orange: Theme Song Attack! 2 Jan 2011 | 05:45 am
Orange finds out that everyone has a theme song except him. RETWEET: TSHIRTS: TWITTER: FACEBOOK:
白爛網路圖片(67) 19 Apr 2012 | 06:18 am
還有好多天的量XD 推薦絕望電影:撕裂地平線(膽小,身體不好者誤試,會留下陰影) 無違和感 你在想什麼 摩托車賽 大學戳生活 鐵男根祭 一些圖 多啦A夢 叫我007 我是在描述你 表情符號 女人邏輯 唐老鴨表示:同類相殘 Annoying Orange Troll猴子 神奇寶貝 滿足男人 處處皆數學物理 Simon的癖好 迅猛龍 數學 姚明贏了
白爛網路圖片(62) 5 Apr 2012 | 08:36 pm
殘酷的事實 Miss Torres 名人哭相 戳女友 戳 男女大不同 姚明的狗 老師 演化 佛地魔:........... 音樂網頁 兒時記趣 最強暈技 Hey Apple!! Annoying Orange 影片: 墨西哥捲 為逝去的奶子哀悼 讀我 世界各國都一樣 相對論 片頭 童年 世界難題 重溫舊夢 ============== 懶惰分隔線 ==...
Long Time No Update This Blog!~ 14 Nov 2011 | 02:06 am
CiaoSsu Minna-Sama!!!~ Lme dh aku x update blog niey... yela gone kn... "BUSY".... skunk aku dh dpt rehat ntah bper lme... so nk "RENOVATE" lar pulak... (gelak annoying orange)
The Annoying Orange 12 May 2010 | 12:25 am
Nu ştiu cum să spun, dar chestia asta a luat amploare. Hai să începem uşor: În clasa mea, există un calculator recent cumpărat, cu de toate pe el, inclusiv net. Youtube-ul e la putere în clasă, iar c...
orang yang paling annoyed 9 Dec 2010 | 10:10 pm
orang yang paling annoyed Answer here
Apa itu YouTube ? 16 Sep 2009 | 05:58 pm
Sebagai orang awam tentu belum memahami apa itu youtube, tetangga saya ketika ditanya sama temannya apa itu youtube dia piun menjawab itu lho yang nonton video XXX, sang teman pun berkata Ooooo…. You...
Siapa Annoying Orange? 12 Feb 2011 | 01:39 am
Korang pernah dengar tak 'Annoying Orange'? Sebenarnya web series ni dah lama, aku tau mende alah ni pun tak lama dulu pas aku tengok adik aku duk terkekek-kekek depan PC.. sekarang dah masuk season 2...
Annoying Orange: Theme Song Attack! 8 Nov 2010 | 03:19 am
Orange finds out that everyone has a theme song except him.
Annoying Orange Pacman Game 30 Sep 2011 | 12:32 pm
Annoying Orange Pacman Game Annoying Orange Pacman is the pacman in this game. Play the annoying orange to collect the friuts to score more points and lives at the same time avoiding the ghosts. It...