Most yoyo terrain sculpting related news are at:
– Chicago Terrain Factory | Terrain and Modeling in 28mm scale
D & D Game Board 21 Aug 2012 | 11:09 am
Over the past few months, I’ve manged to get myself in to a D&D campaign. 4th edition is very nearly a different game from the old AD&D I used to play back in college (bonus points to anyone who reme...
Arab Horsemen 30 Jul 2012 | 11:55 am
A handful of figures by Musketeer Miniatures.
More yoyo terrain sculpting related news:
Asilefx: Vue V8 Terrain Workshop Bookware ISO-LZ0 3 Feb 2012 | 04:51 am
Asilefx: Vue V8 Terrain Workshop Bookware ISO English | Team: LZ0 | ISO | 549.71 MB Genre: Video Training Sculpting Workflow & Techniques + Terrain Creation Techniques for Vue 8+. Includes dozen...