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Почему с братьями и сестрами так трудно ужиться? 29 Jan 2012 | 01:27 pm
yp гл. 6 с. 50-55 Почему с братьями и сестрами так трудно ужиться? *** с братьями и сестрами так трудно ужиться? *** Почему СОПЕРНИЧЕСТВО между детьми в семье известно еще со времен Каина и Авеля. Э...
三星官方 Galaxy S WiFi aka YP-G70 原厂固件 firmware 下载及升级刷机教程 16 Jun 2011 | 03:39 am
三星 YP-G70 有着多个系列名称 Galaxy S WiFi 和 Galaxy Player 国行版大概捆绑预装了 100 多个系统级应用,但其中的 20 多个可能对于某些用户并无价值,况且有几个应用是很早以前的旧版,虽然预装的诸如“支付宝和人人网”等应用可通过安装文件更新,但如果你试图更新诸如“奇艺或优酷”等影视圈组件时会提示无法安装。当然,在对三星 GalaxyS WiFi 进行过 Roo...
Some knowledge about plumbing 28 Apr 2012 | 05:33 am
Pipe joints do the job is usually high priced. In the event you at random , go with a pipe joints specialist from your offer possibly the yp in addition to an answer to the most beneficial, you actual...
Samsung Galaxy S WiFi 3.6 8 Mar 2012 | 04:20 am
Company Samsung Electronics Company presented on the market player-tablet Samsung Galaxy S WiFi 3.6 YP-GS1, HVGA-equipped with a display diagonal of 3.65 inches.The tablet is equipped with ARM Cortex ...
Mcm Suare Best Jek! 12 May 2010 | 03:57 am
x tahu nak ckp apew bilew korng karoke kol 1pm-7pm.. aku hanye mampu ckp fuck! glew lame aku nk nyanyi hahaha tp sumpah best and gantuk yp ape blh buat kwn2 nk kan. hahah mcm2 gelagat yg adew mcm bias...
djbDNS DNS Server On CentOS – dns cache only 20 Sep 2011 | 10:03 pm
cd /usr/local/src wget tar zxvf daemontools-0.76.tar.gz cd admin/daemontools-0.76/ nano src/conf-cc 把 -include /usr/include/errno.h 加在 gcc 最後 ./pack...
New strategy behind separatism in Papua 19 Nov 2011 | 12:33 am
Benny YP Siahaan, Geneva | Thu, 08/07/2008 10:08 AM Jakarta Post Separatism in Papua is now perhaps the only remaining serious and long-standing separatist problem in Indonesia after the issue of Ace...
dibukanya kembali latihan beladiri sh terate di rayon SMK YP.17 BARADATU,di rayon ini sempat satu tahun fakum di pelatihan beladiri persaudaraan setia hati terate(PSHT).salah satu guru di smk tersebut...
삼성전자, 초슬림 Divx MP3 YP-R1 출시 2 Sep 2009 | 02:04 am
삼성전자가 초슬림 Divx MP3 YP-R1 을 출시했습니다. MP3로는 최초로 Divx의 인증을 획득하였고, Xvid, H.264, WMV 포맷도 변환없이 사용가능합니다. 8.9mm 두께에 50g의 무게이며 2.7인치 400x240 정전식 터치스크린을 채용하였습니다. AV 출력도 가능합니다. 터치위즈 UI, 비트 DJ, 블루투스, DNSe 3.0, FM...
salam kenal 23 Oct 2008 | 03:22 am
Salam Kenal Semuanya.. Saya Dimas dari SAPMA PP Komisariat YP TELKOM Bandung.. PANCASILA ABADI!!!