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AVISO! 24 Aug 2013 | 10:44 pm
Gente, eu estou passando rapidinho para avisá-los que estou passando por uns probleminhas e por isso n tou conseguindo me organizar para fazer postagens. Mas em breve espero voltar. Desculpem o incove...
AE GALERINHA DO GOKI! AMANHÃ EH DIA DOS PAIS *_* Não sei vcs… mas eu mesmo vou mimar MTOOO o meu! huauhauhuah… E para os papais de plantão que adora ler nossos mangás ae vai uma pequena homenagem do G...
More yuri manga related news:
prism 2 1 Aug 2011 | 01:55 am
Suite au succès du premier chapitre, showhigashiyama a repris du service dans l’anthologie de yuri manga tsubomi, dans laquelle prism devient une série. Ce deuxième chapitre a été publié dans le numér...
[manga] The Flower & the Star Ch 1 ~ a new yuri manga series!! 19 Dec 2011 | 02:41 am
This is a new yuri manga series! The art is ok and it looks like there’s a bit of chemistry going on in between the two main characters. :D It’ll be interesting to see the gradual unravel of their fee...
prism 2 31 Jul 2011 | 09:55 pm
Suite au succès du premier chapitre, showhigashiyama a repris du service dans l’anthologie de yuri manga tsubomi, dans laquelle prism devient une série. Ce deuxième chapitre a été publié dans le numér...
Oh wow, an anime adaptation of a straight-up (har) yuri manga! 13 Jun 2013 | 09:22 pm
Yay! The Manga Time magazines have printed a boatload of yuri-ish series (pretty much every slice-of-life 4-koma about a bunch of high school girls), but I didn't know Manga Time Kirara Miracle! had a...
Yuri Manga: Material Candy (マテリアルキャンディ) 26 Aug 2013 | 11:08 pm
Material Candy (マテリアルキャンディ) by Kurokiri Misao, is a collection of stories from Comic Yuri Hime that is definitely a mixed bag of treats. The first story, “In Mold Girl” is something I think many mang...
Yuri Manga: Steps 20 Aug 2013 | 05:09 am
A-chan and Riyoko are neighbors, Riyoko has always had a crush on A-chan, from the time she was a small girl. Now, as a high school student, her feelings are much more than a mere crush. But what abou...
Yuri Network News (百合ネットワークニュース) – August 17, 2013 17 Aug 2013 | 06:43 pm
Yuri Live-Action Movie This weekend is the premiere of Yuri Live-Action movie, Schoolgirl Complex in Japan. If any of our Japanese friends want to report on it, please let me know! *** Yuri Manga ...
Ikkitosen 22 Aug 2013 | 06:08 pm
Anjos Guerreiros 一騎当千 (Ikkitousen) Gênero Artes Marciais, Ação, Comédia, Ecchi, Yuri Mangá Ikkitousen Autor Yuji Shiozaki Editora(s) Wani Books Editora(s) lusófonas(s) Nova Sampa Revista...
Yuri Manga: Material Candy (マテリアルキャンディ) 26 Aug 2013 | 11:08 pm
Material Candy (マテリアルキャンディ) by Kurokiri Misao, is a collection of stories from Comic Yuri Hime that is definitely a mixed bag of treats. The first story, “In Mold Girl” is something I think many manga...
La Manga 25 Mar 2011 | 08:57 am
La MangaProject: Website & Mobile App Concept Role: Pitch, Design, Art Direction Agency: Code Computerlove La Manga Concierge App