Most zen coding related news are at:

Prequalifying Clients 13 Aug 2013 | 06:04 pm
Link: This is a beautiful thing. Dan Mall is one of those guys that you can tell does his job really well. In this post he outlines so many of th...
• SearchWP: The Best WordPress Search Plugin you can Find 6 Aug 2013 | 05:33 pm
I am wicked excited to be publishing this post. Not because it has to do with shipping code or any of that, but because I’ve built something that’s going to make my life (and hopefully yours) that muc...
More zen coding related news:
Zen Coding for Notepad++ 29 Oct 2010 | 06:14 pm
一.获得/怎么装 1.更新/下载请到 2.下载.解压文件放入Notepad++安装目录下plugins文件夹。 二.常用手法 E 元素名 (div,p) E#id 带id的元素 (div#wraper,h1#Title) E.class 带class的元素 (div.wraper...
Zen Coding 2 Sep 2011 | 04:09 pm
When I first heard of Zen Coding on Sitepoint, I figured it was some other gimmick that might save me about 0.01% of my time each year after I spend five or six hours learning the syntax. Zen Coding ...
Schneller HTML coden mit Zen Coding 9 Feb 2011 | 11:09 am
Rasend schnell HTML-Code tippen, das geht mit Zen-Coding. Hat mal einmal die einfache Syntax im Kopf kann man sich auf Knopfdruck sehr viel Tipparbeit ersparen. Als PlugIn für Euren Lieblingseditor er...
Coder plus rapidement avec Zen-coding 2 Jun 2010 | 10:10 am
Zen-coding : Smashing Magazine a consacré récemment un tutoriel sur le sujet ; quelques curieux s’y essayent en ce moment sur Twitter. Suffisamment d’éléments pour donner envie d’en parler un peu i...
Editplus v3.4, Zen Coding (젠코딩) 공식지원 30 Apr 2012 | 02:24 pm
새 버전의 Editplus에서 젠코딩을 공식 지원합니다. (플러그인 설치가 필요 없습니다.) Zen Coding for EditPlus Zen Coding is an editor plugin for high-speed HTML, XML, XSL (or any other structured code format) coding and editing. The ...
The Tools Or Site I Am Using 11 Feb 2011 | 08:45 am
Howdy, everyone I just thought I will tell you what I am using when I am coding (X)HTML/CSS/JS! Uh well, in this case it will be a simple listing. Here we go. Notepad++ Zen Coding Plugin for Notep...
I just started using Zen Coding 18 Dec 2009 | 06:14 am
I’m using the plugin for gedit. I’ll never go back to straight HTML. Zen Coding v0.5 from Sergey Chikuyonok on Vimeo.
Zen Coding 让 Notepad++ 代码书写健步如飞 17 Jul 2010 | 02:18 am
Notepad++ 是一款无比轻巧便捷的代码编辑工具。它无可挑剔的启动速度,优秀的语法高亮,干净整齐的代码缩进,便捷的括号高亮匹配赢得了无数人的喜爱。 但,不知道有多少同学跟我一样,在coding 时被 Notepad++ 粗陋的代码自动补全折磨的体无完肤(Notepad++那甚至不能叫自动完成)。虽然无比羡慕诸如Dreamweaver之类的代码自动完成,但固于上述提到的几点Notepad++的...
Zen Coding - Maquetando paginas web más eficientemente 10 May 2012 | 02:30 am
Zen Coding es uno de esos silenciosos pero geniales inventos. Es una forma abreviada de escribir código HTML y CSS, puedes escribir más en menos tiempo y al poco que te logras acostumbrar a la sintaxi...
Why Zen-Coding is an Awesome Time Saver 1 Mar 2012 | 03:52 pm
If you are a web developer doing any kind of CSS and HTML work then you need to be using the zen-coding plugins. So what exactly is zen-coding? It’s not a new language, but more of shortcut system for...