Most zen meditation related news are at:

Zen-Wahrheit vom: 23.07.2012: Buddha 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
"Form ist Leere, und Leere ist Form." Buddha
Zen-Wahrheit vom: 24.07.2012: Seng-ts an 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
"Wenn du mit dem Geist an deinen Geist arbeitest ? Wie kannst du dann ein gewaltiges Chaos in deinen Kopf verhindern?" Seng-ts an
More zen meditation related news:
Die Zen Meditation Zazen 11 Jun 2011 | 10:12 pm
Ebenso wie der Zen-Buddismus eine sehr reduzierte und pure Form von Religiosität darstellt, ist auch die Zen Meditation von allem Beiwerk befreit. Die klassische Art zu meditieren ist das sogenannte Z...
Why I'm shaving my head for Dying Matters 17 Jun 2013 | 03:48 pm
Tags: head shave rachel hawthorn Charity A Year to Live Stephen Levine Hebden Bridge Zen meditation 17 June 2013 Rachel Hawthorn is shaving her head to raise money for a cause she believes in...
Zen funny: Losing an I 25 Aug 2013 | 08:35 pm
A funny Zen meditation image, posted by the folks at the Providence Zen Center on either Twitter or Facebook (I don’t remember where).
Chobo-Ji hosts Zen meditation retreat 17 Aug 2013 | 12:56 pm
Photo courtesy of Chobo-Ji. Neighbor Tobin from Chobo-Ji sent us this announcement about an upcoming event on North Beacon Hill: Chobo-Ji, the Zen temple on S. Horton, has a three-day meditation ret...
I Can Practice Zen Meditation – They Call It “Practice” for a Reason 28 May 2013 | 04:12 am
Recently I had the fortune to visit Soji-ji, the Head Monastery for the Soto Zen Sect of Buddhist Monks and experience Zen Meditation. Called Zazen in Japanese, this ancient art is about much more th...
Freeing your body from fats with assistance from a meditative mind 17 May 2012 | 06:09 pm
The thought that you have become excessively fat makes you feel a bit low. No, fat is not in your genes and you simply don’t seem to have a wee-bit idea about the cause underlying it. With an increasi...
All About Brining, And Some Fascinating New Research 21 Nov 2011 | 07:17 am
If you like your turkey juicy, tender, and flavorful, brine it. I have just rewritten and expanded my article on The Zen of Brines and included the latest research from Dr. Greg Blonder, a physicist, ...
Elle le branle sur la plage 9 Apr 2012 | 07:59 am
La jolie demoiselle a l’air d’avoir envie de sexe … sur la plage, elle glisse sa main entre les cuisses de son mec pour le branler. Monsieur, reste zen. Ils sont nus, beaux, sexys … Vive l’été !
Meditation und Psychologie 18 May 2009 | 07:05 am
Meditation gehört zu den ältesten Kulturtechniken der Menschheitsgeschichte. Mit Religion weist sie eine enge Verknüpfung auf. Alle großen Weltreligionen haben verschiedene Formen von Meditationstechn...
Application for alliance 12 Sep 2011 | 08:10 am
Hello to you all. Firs l would like to apologize for any mistakes that l do bicouse my english in not perfect. l would like to apply for membership in ZEN alliance. l am playing Ogame just a few da...