Most zend framework cache page related news are at:

Stateful vs Stateless CSRF Defences: Know The Difference 12 Aug 2013 | 07:54 pm
w2sp: Slide 8: Problem: Gremlins in the engine (Photo credit: Terriko) Scanning the blogs today, I noticed an article discussing a method of implementing Stateless CSRF protection. Stateless CSRF def...
BREACH Attacks: Extracting HTTPS Encrypted Data In Under A Minute Without Encryption Cracking 8 Aug 2013 | 08:29 pm
Welcome to Black Hat Conference Season… Last week, news started to spread from the Black Hat conference about a new oracle attack (called the BREACH attack) against HTTPS which may allow an attacker ...
More zend framework cache page related news:
Zend Flash message 20 Jan 2012 | 01:23 am
For displaying flash message after certain event like, when user submit the page and need to show the success message in next request or in current request. For that Zend framework has a action helper...
Utiliser les tags Zend_Cache_Frontend_Page avec un site participatif 13 Jul 2011 | 12:20 pm
Il y a des domaines où le Zend Framework, en dépit de ses immenses possibilités, manque un peu de clarté. Si utiliser le frontend Page (qui met en cache l’intégralité d’une page en fonction de la requ...
Zend Framework : Utilisation des tags dans Zend_Cache 10 Dec 2009 | 08:40 am
Il y a un petit truc assez sympa avec la gestion des caches dans Zend Framework (et donc Zend_Cache) et c’est les tags. Les tags sont peut-être ignorés par beaucoup parce que ce n’est que le 3ème par...
Zend Framework – Optimisation des performances, exemple 25 Jul 2009 | 08:53 am
Voici un petit exemple d’optimisation réalisé. J’ai analysé avec XDebug et WinCacheGrind l’appel à une page. Cette page affiche quelques centaines de lignes provenant d’une table d’une base de données...
Build a Facebook application with Zend Framework 12 May 2009 | 10:55 pm
You can integrate your application with facebook in two way: with an IFRAME (using XFBML) or with FBML. You can embed your content in a Facebook page through FBML or use an IFRAME Facebook will be a...
Partial vs. Helper in the Zend Framework: When to use which? 17 Jul 2010 | 05:55 am
This page has moved to Robert Elwell's Blog -- Partial vs. Helper in the Zend Framework: When to use which?
Zend Framework Tutorial Series: Part 3 – Login and Signup with (RE)Captcha 14 Jul 2010 | 12:40 am
The third part of the tutorial series will present you with a fully functionable solution for a login and signup page that activates a RECaptcha, via Zend_Captcha as a Service, when the user attempts ...
Ignore URL parameters when caching in Symfony 16 Nov 2012 | 08:52 pm
Most of my new sites I run are running on top of the Symfony framework. One small annoyance I run into is when caching pages, it will create a new cached file for a URL which includes a parameter tha...
ZF2 Navigation breadcrumb twig custom partial 17 Dec 2012 | 06:06 am
Si necesitas crear un partial en twig para tu breadcrumb en Zend Framework 2, este fragmento te puede ayudar a empezar: {# Application/view/breadcrumbs.twig #} {% for key, page in pages %} {% if page ...
Zend Framework 2 : Handling Db connection Error 2 Jun 2013 | 01:58 am
Db Connection error is not part of dispatch.error, so we should make a tricky way to handle it to make user happy when see the page. We should try the connection, and catch when failed. call ViewModel...