Most zend framework disable layout related news are at:
Stream a file with StreamedResponse in Symfony 27 Mar 2013 | 04:21 pm
Wow, long time no blog post, huh? Here’s a quick tip how to stream a (presumably large) file to your client with Symfony without the need to load the file into memory. Sources
Enable Twig debug in Symfony2 13 Jan 2012 | 10:17 pm
To enable the debug tag in Twig, add the following to app/config/config_dev.yml Afterwards clear the cache and use the debug extension: Sources
More zend framework disable layout related news:
在 Zend Framework MVC 下禁用 view 或者 layout 30 Jan 2010 | 10:49 pm
Zend Framework 内置了 MVC 开发架构,功能非常强大,其中 Zend_Controller 在使用的时候会根据 module/controller/action 自动解析对应的 view ,如果找不到就会抛错;但是有时候我们并不想使用 view 层,这时候我们就需要禁用 view 或者 layout 了,本文就是对禁用 view 或者 layout 所做的总结。 继续阅读 →
Migration to Zend Framework 2 (Custom Plugins) – Series 3 of 5 5 Apr 2013 | 12:50 pm
There are many inbuilt plugins in Zend Framework 2 like Flash Messenger, Layout, Redirect etc. But many a time we need our own custom plugins. It was pretty easy to write plugins in Zend Framework 1; ...