Most zend server ce xdebug related news are at:

Raspberry Pi und Smart Metering 6 May 2013 | 12:17 am
In unseren Beiträgen zum auslesen der Daten eines Wechselrichters und zweier Stromzähler ist bisher ein Netbook zum Einsatz gekommen. Leider hat sich die Hardware, im Zusammenspiel mit Windows XP, als...
Jailbreak – Und nu? 4 Mar 2013 | 01:43 am
Nachdem der neueste Evasi0n Jailbreak es für jeden möglich macht sein IPad und IPhone von den Apple Beschränkungen zu befreien, habe auch ich mich mal getraut mein IPad 2 zu jailbreaken. Der Jailbreak...
More zend server ce xdebug related news:
Zend Server CE, Xdebug and Snow Leopard 29 Oct 2009 | 04:25 am
Zend Server CE is an awesome product. We had installed it just after it’s release but hadn’t really delved into all it’s features until today. We were just using it as a quick web server, but we wer...
Speeding up Drupal page loading on Windows by Zend Server CE 23 Apr 2010 | 02:03 am
Many guys get problems with Drupal slow page-loading when deployed Drupal on Windows. I had the same problem with a customer's site. I suggested to move to Linux but they did not because of they love ...
Compiling Gearman (or anything) for Zend Server CE on Snow Leopard 13 May 2010 | 09:58 am
The first thing you need to know about Mac OS.X Snow Leopard all Mac’s and Macbook Pro’s is that this hardware is 64 bit capable. This may not mean you are running a 64 bit kernel, it simply means tha...
Moving on to php 5.3 and Zend Server CE 21 Jan 2010 | 01:21 pm
I have had some serious issues with one of my servers these last days. But finally things are starting to get back to normal. It seems /var was full due to mysql wreaking havoc for no particular reaso...
Installing Ubuntu Server with Zend Server CE in VirtualBox Part 2/2 8 Dec 2009 | 07:00 am
As I mentioned in one of previous articles we are developing under Windows with virtualized Linux server. In this article I will install step by step VirtualBox with Ubuntu Server 9.10 and Zend Server...
Installing Ubuntu Server with Zend Server CE in VirtualBox Part 1/2 7 Dec 2009 | 07:00 am
As I mentioned in one of previous articles we are developing under Windows with virtualized Linux server. In this article I will install step by step VirtualBox with Ubuntu Server 9.10 and Zend Server...
Zend Framework im Zend Server CE updaten 23 Aug 2012 | 04:05 pm
Der aktuelle ZendServer 5.6 kommt mit vorinstalliertem ZendFramework 1.11.11. Dies ist aber veraltet, eine automatische Aktualisierung gibt es leider nicht; allerdings ist der Update-Vorgang nicht so...
Chrome su OSX Lion lento (domini local) 10 Aug 2012 | 02:29 am
Come ambiente di sviluppo sul mac utilizzo Zend Server CE e configuro i vari applicativi con domini locali del tipo: esempio1.local esempio2.local ecc. La configurazione è nel file /etc/hosts. Chro...
Zend Framework im Zend Server CE updaten 23 Aug 2012 | 04:05 pm
Der aktuelle ZendServer 5.6 kommt mit vorinstalliertem ZendFramework 1.11.11. Dies ist aber veraltet, eine automatische Aktualisierung gibt es leider nicht; allerdings ist der Update-Vorgang nicht so...