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More zero hedge blog related news:
Moving On 28 Jul 2009 | 05:34 pm
Dear Zero Hedge readers and blogger fans, it is time to move on... our new home: For a little over 6 months blogger has served us well, and yet it reached its limitations som...
The Goldman VaR Exemption Question Escalates 28 Jul 2009 | 06:29 am
It seems only yesterday that Zero Hedge had some questions in regard to Goldman's VaR Fed exemption. No response was received from 85 Broad. Today it appears several Congressmen, lead by Alan Grayson,...
A Majority Of States Are Now Insolvent 3 Feb 2010 | 01:18 pm
Zero Hedge recently highlighted the ever increasing Federal outlays on unemployment insurance, leading to questions on whether the true unemployment rate, as indicated by actual cash outlays, may be m...
Showcasing Your Archive Using the Twenty Eleven Theme 14 Sep 2011 | 07:52 am
My blog is super basic… that I like. I just don’t think there is an easy way to find archived files. I know zero about blog design. - Shaena Crespo, SheLaughsBlog Thanks for your question, Shaena! ...
Weekend reading: China's banks 22 Jan 2011 | 07:49 am
China's problem. Paul Krugman China's inflation dilemma. Charlie Fell China's SHIBOR bounces big. Zero Hedge China NPL's. Michael Pettis 30% chance of Chinese hard landing. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Gre...
Links January 20: Ore rocket 20 Jan 2011 | 07:11 am
Ore approaching record high. Bloomberg Commodities bust. Zero Hedge Asian inflation. Reuters China should get guarantee to buy euro. Bloomberg China and Germany. FT Ireland defaults. Bloomberg China a...
Links January 19: Chk Chk ... Boom 19 Jan 2011 | 08:01 am
Spend big on recovery. SMH No Qld labour shortage. The Age Commodities rocket. The Oz Are banks fixed? Robert Peston(h/t nakedcapitalism) The tinkerbell market. Naked Capitalism, Zero Hedge Germany of...
I went from ashy to classy 30 Jan 2011 | 06:27 am
Because it's worth noting... Zero Hedge: 1) Inequality In America Is Worse Than In Egypt, Tunisia Or Yemen 2) Robert Shiller Argues That Rising Inequality In The US Was A Major Cause Of The Recent Cr...
Moving On 28 Jul 2009 | 01:34 pm
Dear Zero Hedge readers and blogger fans, it is time to move on... our new home: For a little over 6 months blogger has served us well, and yet it reached its limitations som...
The Federal Reserve Bank was Manipulating Gold Prices back in 1975 31 Jul 2012 | 05:52 pm
The Fed On Gold Price Manipulation Verbatim Copy of Zero Hedge article dated 30th July 2012 - original HERE Lately various media outlets have been swamped with stories and allegations of precious me...