Most zoom panel related news are at:

TrueTransform added to ReaderSvg and ReaderWmf 21 Jun 2013 | 01:16 pm
For quite some time it was possible to transform the read objects in ViewerSvg and Paste2Xaml. I am not talking about simply adding a transformation to read objects but to actually change all coordina...
Maintenance releases for Ab2d.ReaderSvg and Ab2d.ReaderWmf are now available 16 May 2013 | 12:05 am
I am happy to inform you that a new version of Ab2d.ReaderSvg (svg reader for WPF) and Ab2d.ReaderWmf (metafile reader for WPF) have been published. Ab2d.ReaderSvg got the following improvements: Fi...
More zoom panel related news:
Ameworld le podcast : Rendez-vous d'Avril! 23 Apr 2012 | 06:35 am
Le 4ième épisode d'Ameworld : le podcast est disponible! Ce mois-ci nous avons sélectionné quelques news pour vous, celles qui nous paraissaient intéressantes! Couplées à deux zoom : l'un sur les mag...
Free Photo Zoom Out Effect with jQuery 6 Mar 2012 | 05:09 pm
A simple image zoom out effect with jQuery. The idea is show some images which are zoomed in initially and when hovering over an image it gets zoomed out. This effect could be used in photography webs...
Light of Peace – WordPress Template 24 Aug 2010 | 04:00 pm
This is a church theme WordPress Template. Some people use it for wedding and non-profit website. There are four color scheme included in this template. This wordpress theme also has an admin panel. ...
How to remap / retasking Realtek onboard jacks / ports 13 Feb 2012 | 08:31 pm
If you’re using Realtek onboard soundcard and for whatever reasons wants to remap / retask the rear jacks or front panel jacks to anything you want perhaps you might find this useful For example, in ...
[Article Update] - PRB: Error Message: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the F... 16 Aug 2006 | 03:23 am
An article that provides a solution to an error that occurs when a file is opened within Power Tab Librarian.
Multiple Wave Export 30 Nov 2010 | 07:39 am
We recently made it possible to export a single wave as a Zip file. Now, you can now also select up to 10 waves in your search panel and download them all together as a set of PDFs. We hope this feat...
Nike SB Zoom Stefan Janoski Mid in Cappuccino/Black Colorway 9 Apr 2011 | 02:05 am
Nike SB Zoom Stefan Janoski had made another Mid skate shoe with a boat deck-ready for. This form will be a unique contribution of Nike SB Stefan Janoski to all skateboarders. This would be in premier...
Emerging Web Script To Watch 2010 14 Oct 2010 | 03:43 pm
Pixie has received an award from the prestigious and has been identified as an Emerging Web Script To Watch in 2010. Here is what they had to say: Our voting panel was extremely impres...
ZOOM is good for print.css 9 Jul 2009 | 12:11 pm
Part 2 in my series on print.css While one of your co-workers is in the middle of an annoying IE6 bug, say “zoom one” to them and chances are they will laugh (or maybe cry). The proprietary IE css ‘z...
BOOT Moderating panel on Social Media at 2011 WebInTravelConference 18 Apr 2012 | 12:54 pm
WIT Conference 2011 - Get Into The Groove – The Future of Social from WebInTravel on Vimeo. Above is video of the BOOT moderating a panel at the 2011 WebInTravel conference on Social Media. Panel me....