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Finger Paints polish swatches 15 Aug 2012 | 05:15 am
Finger Paints Late Night Rendezvous. Three coats. This is not a Zoya Charla dupe. Finger Paints Red Marzipan. Two coats. Kleancolor Fuschia Glitter. One coat. That is how fuchsia is written on my bo...
Zoya Charla + China Glaze White Cap 4 Jul 2011 | 08:07 am
*Zoya Charla with China Glaze White Cap On Top* (2 coats Charla, 1 coat White Cap) Being the mermaid-esque awesomeness that it is, Zoya Charla really screams summer to me! After about day I decided t...
Essence Choose Me! 15 Jun 2011 | 07:00 am
Today I'm wearing Essence Choose Me! This is apparently a dupe for Zoya Charla, OPI Catch Me In Your Net and I belief there's also an Orly polish that is a dupe. I can't compare them for you because I...
Coupla things... blog birthday and a giveaway 7 Jan 2011 | 02:57 pm
1) So, I stand corrected! Those Jesse's Girl nail polishes I mentioned in my last post DO have names. The Charla/Halley's Comet/Catch Me In Your Net dupe is called Glee, and the Scrangie-esque one is ...