Most 2012 VGCS WINTER BATTLE related news are at:

Pokemon légendaires - Pokemon X Y 27 Aug 2013 | 05:54 pm
Notre guide complet Pokemon X - Y continue de rattraper son retard avec la mise à jour de notre section : "Pokémon légendaires". Article Pokemon X - Y : Pokémon légendaires Notre section Pokemon X...
Legendray Treasure : les promos blister enfin révélés ! 27 Aug 2013 | 05:29 pm
Les packs booster de l'extension de cartes Pokémon Legendary Treasures viennent d'être révélés ! Ces packs contiendront Reshiram, Zekrom, Mewtwo et Genesect. L'extension de cartes Pok...
More 2012 VGCS WINTER BATTLE related news:
2012 VGCS Winter Battle 6 Dec 2012 | 07:49 am
For our battling fans out there, a new VGC tournament is on its way! Unlike the previous Video Game Championship Series tournaments, this one has a lot more to offer to its winning participants. Accor...
The Cardinal Crisis -> Uranus Direct In Aries & The Total Lunar Eclipse In Gemini: Earthquakes, Battles & Hostilities > A Preview Of 2012 > Also, Wint... 3 Dec 2011 | 10:07 am
The Cardinal Crisis A little girl splattered with blood cries out in shock surrounded by dead and injured adults and children after explosions during a religious ceremony in the centre of Kabul. At ....
The Wall of Done 2012: Lucky Thirteen! 20 Jun 2013 | 01:20 am
The last Wall of Done for 2012 featured a mess of things that I painted over winter break: Chaos Space Marines: Tactical Squad Chaos Space Marines: Chaos Lord and Abaddon Khador: Battle Mechaniks and...