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Buy the 3D-machine for your 3DS 23 Apr 2012 | 06:35 am
Great News! Ka-Ching Cartoons film 'the 3D-Machine' is the first video download on Nintendo 3DS. Some time ago Nintendo aquired our film 'the 3D-Machine' for the 3DS . They have made it able to wat...
M3i Zero funktioniert nun auf dem 3DS 4.1.0-8 und DSi 1.4.4 6 Jun 2012 | 07:44 pm
Tags: m3i zero, 3ds Gute News von M3i Team, nach dem Flash funktioniert m3i zero auf dem 3DS 4.1.0-8 und DSi 1.4.4 problemlos. M3i Zero GMP-Z003 Firmware Download for 3DS v4.1.0-8&DSi v1.4.4 has bee...
r4dsr4i 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Category: Consumer Electronics » Shopping R4,R4i,,,,r4 ds,carte r4 ds,r4i gold,r4i sdhc 3ds,r4 pas cher
GATEWAY 3DS - R4 PARA ROMS 3DS 1 Jun 2013 | 07:58 am
GATEWAY 3DS 30/05/2013 A espera acabou! O primeiro dispositivo de backup cada vez que permite a reprodução de 3DS ROMS é agora uma realidade. O ÚNICO CARTÃO DE MEMÓRIA FLASH PARA 3DS! Jogue de bac...
GATEWAY 3DS - R4 PARA ROMS 3DS 1 Jun 2013 | 07:58 am
GATEWAY 3DS 30/05/2013 A espera acabou! O primeiro dispositivo de backup cada vez que permite a reprodução de 3DS ROMS é agora uma realidade. O ÚNICO CARTÃO DE MEMÓRIA FLASH PARA 3DS! Jogue de bac...
Nintendo News: E3 2012 24 May 2012 | 02:40 am
E3 '12 Wih E3 2012 right around the corner, I wonder what News nintendo will give us. What about the 3DS Zelda game that they're woking on, will they giv us a remake of Majora's Mask? What ...
Comment choisir son R4 29 Mar 2012 | 11:37 pm
Vous vous demandez surement quel version de R4 devriez vous choisir pour votre DS lite, DSi, DSI XL, 3DS ... Le choix se fera donc en fonction de la version de votre ou vos consoles que vous avez en ...
Carte R4 DS Officiel 30 May 2011 | 11:41 pm
R4 Officiel est le seul distributeur officiel Français. Nous vendons : carte R4 , carte R4i , carte 3DS directement aux consommateurs. Notre service d'expédition rapide nous permet d'expédier votre co...
Q3 2011 gaming report – Nintendo 3DS, DS and Sony PSP 27 Oct 2011 | 02:07 pm
Is there anybody out there? Handhelds, hello, hello? Next-gen consoles fared quite well in a traditionally news focused, slow product release window but the same cannot be said for the handhelds. The...
R4I-SDHC.COM Kernel Update into V1.57b 24 May 2012 | 11:42 am updated its official kernel into v1.57b today, R4I-SDHC 3DS, R4I-SDHC V1.4.X and R4-SDHC users can now have your kernel updated. Download at page