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カメラを買う時の最大の失敗は「使う直前に買った」で間違いない 27 Aug 2013 | 11:58 am
夏休み気分でさらっとエントリー。ここ数年、恐ろしいほど身近になったデジタルカメラ。特にデジタル一眼、いわゆるデジイチの普及は目を見張るものがあります。さて、そんなデジタルカメラを購入する時の、最大の失敗とはなにか?それは間違いなく「使う直前に買った」ではないでしょうか。 慣れる期間を経てこそ「実用」に耐える この話のポイントはとても単純で、本来、本番前には「練習期間」というものが必要なわけです...
EOS Kiss X7 と 70D と 5D Mark III と 7D を比較。選ぶ参考にどうぞ! #canon 27 Aug 2013 | 10:56 am
発売前のEOS 70D をお借りしていたのは報告したとおり。すると一時的にですが、我が家には EOS 70D、EOS 5D Mark III、EOS 7D、EOS Kiss X7 と実に4種類ものEOSが存在することになりました。ということで、せっかくなので使用感やポイントを並べてみます。あくまで主観での比較ですし、ものによっては発売から3年以上も経っており古さがぬぐえない部分もありますので、そち...
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Presentación Canon 5D Mark3 y 1DX en Casanova foto, novedades y sensaciones 17 Mar 2012 | 08:43 am
Hoy he asistido y como reportero de Caborian a la presentación de las nuevas cámaras Canon 1DX y Canon 5D Mark III invitado por Casanova Foto en sus instalaciones de Ronda Universitat 35 (Barcelona). ...
Zacuto Z-Finder Frame 30 May 2012 | 05:01 pm
The Zacuto Z-Finder is a 3.2-inch aluminum mounting frame, which is designed for the Canon 5D Mark III and Nikon D800. It is also compatible with any DSLR model that has a 3.2-inch display. The Zacuto...
Сравнение видео Canon 5D Mark II, 5D Mark III и Nikon D800 при слабом освещении 25 Apr 2012 | 03:00 pm
BorrowLenses Win a Canon 5D Mark III or Nikon D800 Giveaway 28 May 2012 | 06:53 am is announcing a 5 year anniversary giveaway they’re holding on Facebook, where they’ll be giving away a Canon 5D Mark III or a Nikon D800, your choice! First, a look at BorrowLenses.c...
Now Available: Lynda training for the Nikon D800 and Canon 5D Mark III 10 Nov 2012 | 02:46 am courses on the Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Nikon D800 are now available.
Buy New:Canon EOS 5D Mark III / Canon EOS 5D Mark II / Nikon D7000/Nikon D3S /Nikon D4 /Nikon D800… 15 Sep 2012 | 06:27 pm
Welcome to The Camera Company Uk, we deal in all kinds of digital cameras and lens, they are brand new, factory checked working perfect, complete accessories with 1 year warranty, below is our price f...
Canon 5D Mark II,Nikon D800,Canon EOS 5D Mark III 18 Mar 2013 | 04:07 am
God Bless you as you contact us SKYPE: sergeyelect Digital Cameras Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR $1100 Canon EOS 7D Digital SLR $1200 Canon EOS-1D X Digital SLR (with lens) ...
Another camera giveaway from SnapKnot : Win a Nikon D800 or Canon 5D Mark III 3 May 2013 | 10:00 am
SnapKnot, founded in 2010 is a company driven to help couples find wedding photographers as well as a platform for wedding photographers to be found by potential clients. Mike Rheaume says that the ...
FilmMaker - edição 7 24 Sep 2012 | 05:00 am
Confira o teste da Nikon D800 Veja como é filmar com a grande concorrente da CAnon 5D MArk III. Teste de acessório: Avaliamos o novo Zacuto Z-Finder EVF. Confira se vale a pena fazer seguro de equi...
5D Mark III or D800 DSLR Giveaway From 9 Jan 2013 | 09:02 am
Again, held a giveaway contest with a prize you can choose, Canon 5D Mark III or Nikon D800. This contest is to celebrate the opening of their new East Coast Headquarters in Waltham, ...