Most Ajaxplorer related news are at:

Groups and Roles with LDAP/AD integration (draft) 25 Aug 2013 | 03:40 am
Introduction When you’re using AjaXplorer with LDAP/AD authentication and your LDAP directory supports the « memberOf » attribute (i.e. you have Microsoft Active Directory, or an LDAP server with the...
Encrypting data on public cloud 2 Aug 2013 | 06:36 pm
In this how to we want to use S3FS coupled with ENCFS and Ajaxplorer to have encrypted data on an Amazon S3 server. We will see how to install and combine these features to be able to use them (direct...
More Ajaxplorer related news:
Saya memakai Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS dan ingin menghapus user & database yang telah dibuat sebelumnya karena ingin mencoba owncloud selain ajaxplorer. Tetapi sayang pada versi yang ada sekarang ownclo...
远程文件管理 AjaXplorer 使用 Amazon S3 云存储 8 Apr 2013 | 05:16 pm
在使用 Amazon S3(Amazon Simple Storage Service)前确保你的虚拟空间或服 [...] 猜您喜欢的: 3张第三代移动通信经营牌照正式发放 HTML5 和 CSS3工具资源汇总 社交网络和Web 3.0将在虚拟世界融合 中国互联网3BtoC新商业模式 XMind 3.1 新版发布 无觅
Access Files From Anywhere 20 May 2013 | 12:18 pm
Due to popular demand we have added another useful tool to the HostAway Members Panel. You can now easily install a free program onto your web space called AjaXplorer, a powerful file management syste...
Ajaxplorer: Ersatz für öffentliche Ordner und mehr 18 Jul 2013 | 03:58 pm
Wer kennt die sogenannten “öffentliche Ordner” aus M$-Exchange? Ich kenne sie – eine furchtbare Erfindung. Diese Ordner lassen sich in Outlook anzeigen und man kann diverse Dinge damit tun. Sie können...
Groups and Roles with LDAP/AD integration (draft) 25 Aug 2013 | 03:40 am
Introduction When you’re using AjaXplorer with LDAP/AD authentication and your LDAP directory supports the « memberOf » attribute (i.e. you have Microsoft Active Directory, or an LDAP server with the...
Encrypting data on public cloud 2 Aug 2013 | 06:36 pm
In this how to we want to use S3FS coupled with ENCFS and Ajaxplorer to have encrypted data on an Amazon S3 server. We will see how to install and combine these features to be able to use them (direct...
Accessing an existing Dropbox 19 Jul 2013 | 06:07 pm
A dropbox account can be used as a storage backend for AjaXplorer. This tutorial goes through the necessary steps to create the link. Creating AjaXplorer application in the dropbox account In order ...
Set up an automatic purge 19 Jul 2013 | 05:47 pm
Objective In many usecases, AjaXplorer is used to create an interface between the inside world and the outside world of an organization. To prevent information leakage and loss of control, many admin...
AjaXplorer Core 5.0.2 released 18 Jul 2013 | 11:54 pm
This is a bugfix from v5.0.1. Update is automatic using the in-app upgrade mechanism, and is recommended. Fix various uploaders problems (jumploader, plupload) Fix various Zip browsing / creation pr...
AjaXplorer Core 5.0.1 available 29 Jun 2013 | 05:08 pm
This is a bugfix and security release from v5.0.0. Update is automatic using the in-app upgrade mechanism, and is highly recommended, as this release fixes three potential vulnerabilities. There are a...